CAE- lesson 15

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ponownie oceniać
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stresować kogoś
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stress someone, stress sb out, nervous
obszar, dziedzina, zakres
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area, field, branch
Jest Pan dla nas cennym klientem.
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to appreciate
We appreciate you as a valuable customer.
uznanie, wdzięczność
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appreciation, gratitude
doceniający, wdzięczny
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appreciative, grateful
z wdzięcznością, z uznaniem
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gratefully, appreciatively
prowokacyjny, wyzywający,
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provocative, challenging,
na horyzoncie
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on the horizon, in the near future
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to subtract- is to take away
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arrive, hit some place
dot. ubioru, krawiecki
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zakończyć coś
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finish something, top sth off
przyjmować ideologię
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take ideology, to accept sth such as new belief, religion, embrace
strój, zestaw
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costume, set, ensemble
możliwy do wyskalowania
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possible to scale, scalable
poprawiać stan czegoś
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improve, enhance, enrich, reclaim

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