basia 23rd Dec 2013

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Marihuana może zapewnić ulgę w bólu dla niektórych pacjentów z rakiem...
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Marijuana can provide pain relief for some cancer patients.
wysoki/ niski prog bólu
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a high/low pain threshold
Otworzyla drzwi i przestąpiła próg.
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She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.
przeszczep szpiku kostnego
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a bone marrow transplant
Marta miała kilka przeszczepów skóry.
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Martha had to have several skin grafts.
mięsień sercowy
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cardiac muscle
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zmęczenie mięśni
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muscle fatigue
On cierpi z powodu zmęczenia fizycznego.
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He's suffering from physical fatigue.
przykurcze mięśniowe
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muscle spasm
podbite oko
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black eye
On wyglądał tak jakby ktoś podbił mu oko.
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He looked like someone had given him a black eye.
kąpiel oczna
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eye bath
krople do oczu
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eye drops
membrana; błona
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błona komórkowa
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cell membrane
komórka beta
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beta cell
badać (pacjenta)
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to examine
skierowanie (do specjalisty)
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Lekarz da ci skierowanie do specjalisty.
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The doctor will give you a referral to a specialist in your area.
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to paralyse
częściowo sparaliżowany w wypadku
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partly paralysed in the crash
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to obstruct
zaparcie; zatwardzenie; obstrukcja; niedrożność
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choroba serca
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heart condition
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to make an examination
być na antybiotykach
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to be on antibiotics
na terapii antybiotykami
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on a course of antibiotics
wypisać receptę dla kogoś
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to write a prescription FOR sth
przejść operację
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undergo an operation formal
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perform an operation
Ona przeszła operację łokcia.
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She underwent a minor operation ON her elbow.
Wzydrowiał całkowicie.
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He has made a full recovery.
próbka krwi
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próbka krwi in English
blood sample
dokonać znalizy czegoś
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to make an alalysis of sth
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bakteria, bakterie
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bacterium, bacteria
zakażenie bakteryjne
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a bacterial infection
przeszczep biodra
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hip replacement; to be given a hip replacement
pogorszenie jego stanu
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a degeneration IN his condition
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paraliż dolnej części ciała
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paralysis of the lower body
Jad węża powoduje paraliż.
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The snake's poison causes paralysis.
skrzep krwi
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blod clot
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indignation; To his indignation, Charles found that his name was not on the list.
dekorować choinkę
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to decorate a Christmas tree
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a cloth
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to wipe
pusty środek
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hollow centre
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sore; I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
poradzić sobbie z czymś
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to deal, dealt, dealt with sth
Gdzie się urodzilaś?
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When were you born?
lubić coś/ kogoś
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to be fond of sth/sb
na dole czegoś
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at the bottom of sth
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w czasie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
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at Christmas

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