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thank you
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start learning
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hi, bye
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how are you?
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ça va?
welcome to my house
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bienvenue chez moi
excuse me, are you Marion?
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pardon, vous êtes Marion?
pleased to meet you. I'm Marc
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Enchanté, je suis Marc
yes, of cours
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oui, bien sûr
will you have a coffee with me?
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tu bois un café avec moi?
my name is Alice
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je m'appelle Alice
this is Jérémie
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c'est Jérémie
thank you very much
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merci beaucoup
I'll introduce you
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je vais vous présenter
he is from Paris, is he from Paris
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il est de Paris, il est de Paris?
she is pleased; to meet you
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elle est enchantée
excuse me
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do you speak english
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vous parlez anglais
I don't speak Italian
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je ne parle pas italien
do you speak Spanish, French
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vous parlez espagnol, français
he is German et speaks German
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il est allemand et parle allemand
he is Italian, she is Italian
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il est italien, elle est italienne
they are French
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ils sont français, elles sont françaises
Marco and Elisa are Italian
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Marco et Elisa sont italiens
good evening
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what's your name?
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Comment tu t'appelles, tu t'appelles comment?
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where are you from?
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tu es d'où?
where do you live?
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tu habites où
I live in Lisbonne
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j'habite à Lisbonne
I am a colleague of Marc
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je suis un collègue de Marc
I do not live in Paris, I live in Berlin
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je n'habite pas à Paris, j'habite à Berlin
you speak good French
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tu parles bien français
he is in Rome
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il est à Rome
what do you do for a living?
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qu'est-ce que tu fais dans la vie
I am a student
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je suis étudiant, étudiante
It's exciting
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c'est passionnant
to do an internship
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faire un stage
at the television/ on television
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à la télévision
to study
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faire des études
they are doing an exciting internship
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ils font un stage passionnant
to be colleagues
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être collègues
to be a journalist
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être journaliste
to be a teacher
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être professeur
to work together
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travailler ensemble
to work as an IT specialist
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travailler comme informaticien, informaticienne
to be retired, na emeryturze,
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être à la retraite
the teacher
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le, la profeseur
the journalist
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le, la journaliste
the intern
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le, la stagiaire
the cook
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le cuisinier, la cuisinière
the actor, the actress
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l'acteur, l'actrice
the waiter, the waitress
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le serveur, la serveuse
the musician
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le musicien, la musicienne
that's an interesting occupation
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c'est un métier intéressant
I'am an editor
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je suis rédacteur, rédactrice
Anne is Pauline's colleague
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Anne est la collègue de Pauline
the hairdresser
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le coiffeur, la coiffeuse
I am studying. I am a student
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je fais des études. je suis étudante
the translator
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le traducteur, la tradutrice
the nurse
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l'infirmier, l'infirmière
a bottle of water
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une bouteille d'eau
a red wine
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un vin rouge
an apéritif
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un apéritif
I'll have a caffee
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je prends un café
a beer
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une bière
a pastis
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un pastis
some peanuts, orzeszki ziemne
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des cacahuètes
some olives
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des olives
a bill, podliczanie, rachunek
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une addition
a lemonade
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une limonade
a kir
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un kir
how much does that come to?
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ça fait combien?
how much does... cost
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combien coûte...?
I'm paying for a caffee
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je paye un café
the bill, please
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l'addition, s'il vous plaît
altogether, that comes to nineteen euros
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en tout, ça fait dix-neuf euros
a beer costs three euros twenty
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une bière coûte trois euros vingt
a lemonade for my daughter and un coffee for my, please
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pour la petite, une limonade et pour moi, un café, s"il vous plaît
how old are you?
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tu as quel âge?
have you got a mobile?
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tu as un portable?
are you free tomorrow?
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tu es libre demain?
I'm organising drinks for my birthday
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j'organise un apéritif pour mon anniversaire
you don't look forty 40
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tu ne fais pas quarante ans
they are my age
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ils ont mon âge
what's your telephone number?
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quel est ton numéro de téléphone?
what is your address?
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quelle est ton adresse?
can you repeat that?
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tu peut répéter?
a party
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une fête
see you on friday
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à vendredi
I'd like to have a party at my place with Antoine
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je voudrais faire une fête chez moi avec Antoine
an e-mail address
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une adresse e-mail
which mobile do you have?
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tu as quel partable?
that's funny
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c'est drôle
what are you doing on saturday
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qu'est-ce que tu fais samedi

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