Ania O. 30th June 2015 (4)

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przedstawić się
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to introduce yourself
nie spiesz się
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take your time
Miło mi cię poznać.
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Nice to meet you / Pleased to meet you.
sposobność / szansa
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Nie mogę się z tobą spotkać, bo jestem zmęczona.
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I can't meet you because I'm tired.
w tle
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in the background
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jesteś dobrym kierowcą
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you are a good driver
niech no pomyślę
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let me think
On nie umie śpiewać.
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He can't sing.
grać na pianinie / skrzypcach / gitarze
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to play THE piano / the violin / the guitar
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to draw - drew - drawn
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to put sth down
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to underline
na wsi
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in the country / in the countryside
iść spać
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to go TO sleep / to go TO bed
Bardzo lubię czekoladę
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I'm a big fan of chocolate
Ona lubi pływać.
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She likes swimming.
Moja siostra lubi słuchać muzyki.
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My sister likes listening to music.

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