Angielski przed wyjazdem cz. 1

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Szukam pracy
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I’m looking for a job.
Czy potrzebujecie kogos do pracy?
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Do you need anyone to work?
Jaka jest stawka za godzine?
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How much do you pay an hour?
Ile godzin dziennie?
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How many hours a day?
Jaka jest pensja miesieczna?
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What’s the salary?
Kiedy moge zaczac?
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When can I start?
Jakie dokumenty mam przyniesc?
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What documents do you need?
Tu jest moje CV.
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Here is my CV.
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Czy masz doswiadczenie?
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Do you have any experience?
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Pracowałem na tym stanowisku przez trzy lata...
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I worked in this position for three years
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Jakie masz kwalifikacje?
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What qualifications do you have?
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Jestem dyplomowana pielegniarka.
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I have a diploma in nursing.
szkoła srednia
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secondary school
Skonczyłem srednia szkołe techniczna.
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I have graduated from the Secondary Technical School.
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grammar school
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technical school
szkoła zawodowa
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vocational school
Ukonczyłem Uniwersytet.
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I have graduated from the University.
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Polytechnic/Technical University
Akademia Medyczna
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Medical Academy
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a Bachelor’s Degree/ a B.A.
Mam tytuł licencjata z Pedagogiki.
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I’ve got a Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy.
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a Master of Arts/an M.A.
Mam tytuł magistra z Ekonomii.
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I’ve got a Master of Arts in Economics.
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a course
Ukonczyłem kurs mechanika samochodowego.
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I have finished a course in car maintenance.
prawo jazdy
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a driving licence
Mam prawo jazdy kategorie B, C.
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I have a driving licence, category B and C.
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Mam uprawnienia spawacza.
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I have a certificate in welding.
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obce foreign languages
Jakie znasz jezyki?
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What languages do you speak?
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to speak
Mówie płynnie po niemiecku.
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I speak German fluently.
Mówie troche po rosyjsku.
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I speak a little Russian.
Znam podstawy angielskiego.
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I know basic English.
O której odjeżdża pociag do Brighton?
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What time is the train to Brighton?
Kiedy chciałby pan jechać?
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When would you like to leave?
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In the morning.
Po południu.
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In the afternoon.
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In the evening.
W nocy.
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At night.
Jest pociag o 7.40.
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There is a train at 7.40.
Czy to jest pociag bezposredni?
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Is it a direct train?
Gdzie musze sie przesiaść?
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Where do I have to change?
Ma pan przesiadke w Gatwick Airport.
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You change at Gatwick Airport.
Pociag bezpośredni byłby lepszy.
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A direct one would be better.
Prosze wiec jechać tym o 9.05.
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Take the 9.05, then.
Ten pociąg mi pasuje.
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This train suits me.
Z którego peronu odchodzi?
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Which platform does it leave from?
Z peronu 1.
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Platform one.
O której przyjeżdża do Brighton?
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What time does it arrive in Brighton?
Pociag osobowy.
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A slow train.
Pociag pospieszny.
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A fast train.
Czy w pociągu jest wagon restauracyjny?
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Is there a restaurant car?
Czy pociąg ma opóźnienie?
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Is the train delayed?
Prosze bilet do Londynu.
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I’d like a ticket to London?
Express o 9.05.
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The express train at 9.05.
Pierwsza klasa.
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First class.
Druga klasa.
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Second class
W wagonie sypialnym.
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In the sleeping-car.
Prosze bilet powrotny.
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Return ticket, please.
Bilet powrotny tego samego dnia.
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Day return ticket.
Okresowy bilet powrotny.
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Period return ticket.
Ile kosztuje bilet?
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How much is a ticket?
Bilet normalny.
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Regular ticket.
Bilet ulgowy dla dziecka.
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Discount ticket for a child.
Czy sa zniżki dla studentów?
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Are there any discounts for students?
Czy płace za miejscówke?
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Do I pay for a reserved-seat ticket?
Czy płace za bagaż?
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Do I pay for the luggage?
Czy mogę zapłacić kartą kredytową?
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Can I pay by credit card?
Nie, tylko gotówka.
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No, cash only.
Mam rezerwacje na dwa pokoje.
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I’ve got a reservation for two rooms.
Czy moge prosić o pani/pana nazwisko?
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Can I have your name?
Prosze wypełnić formularz.
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Fill in this form, please.
Prosze tu podpisać.
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Sign here, please.
Czy moge prosić o paszporty?
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Could I have your passports
Na którym pietrze?
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Which floor?
Gdzie jest winda?
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Where is the lift?
Na drugim.
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Second floor.
Na pierwszym.
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First floor.
Tutaj sa klucze.
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Here are the keys.
Moge prosic o wniesienie bagażu na góre?
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Will you take my luggage upstairs?
Płace z góry czy przy wyjeździe?
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Do I pay now or when I check out?
O której musze sie wymeldować?
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What time is the check-out?
Gdzie jest restauracja?
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Where is the restaurant?
Z lewej strony.
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On the left.
Z prawej strony.
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On the right.
Naprzeciwko recepcji.
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Opposite reception.
otwierać restauracje
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to open the restaurant
O której otwieracie?
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What time do you open?
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to close
serwować posiłki
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to serve meals
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O której podawane jest śniadanie?
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What time is breakfast served?
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O której podawany jest lunch?
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What time do you serve lunch?
Lunch podajemy od 12:00 do 14:00.
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We serve lunch from 12:00 to 14:00.
Czy jest basen?
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Is there a swimming pool?
Czy jest siłownia?
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Is there a gym?
W hotelu jest sauna.
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There is a sauna.
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a fitness centre
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a swimming pool
bar kawowy
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a coffee shop
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a car park
Damskie toalety sa tam.
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The women’s toilets are over there.
meskie toalety
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men’s toilets
Czy są wolne pokoje?
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Are there any vacant rooms?
Poprosze pokój dwuosobowy.
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I’d like a double room.
Pokój jednoosobowy.
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A single room.
Pokój z dwoma łóżkami.
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A twin room.
Z wanną.
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With a bath.
Z prysznicem.
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With a shower
Ile kosztuje za noc?
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How much is it per night?
Czy w cene wliczone jest śniadanie?
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Is breakfast included?
Czy są opłaty dodatkowe?
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Are there any extra charges?
Wezme ten pokój.
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I’ll take this room.
Chciałbym wynająć mieszkanie.
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I’d like to rent a flat.
Na jak długo?
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For how long?
Na trzy miesiące.
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For three months.
Jaki jest czynsz?
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What’s the rent?
Mam problem.
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I’ve got a problem.
W moim pokoju nie ma ciepłej wody.
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There is no hot water in my room.
Kiedy bedzie naprawiona?
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When will it be fixed?
Pokój nie jest posprzatany.
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The room isn’t clean.
Nie działa klimatyzacja.
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The air-conditioning is out of order.
Nie moge właczyć telewizora.
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I can’t switch on the TV.
Prosze o karte dań.
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The menu, please.
Czy już można przyjać zamówienie?
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Are you ready to order?
Co mógłby pan polecić?
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What could you recommend?
Jakie macie zupy?
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What kinds of soup have you got?
Poprosze zupe cebulowa.
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I’ll have onion soup.
Zupa pomidorowa.
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Tomato soup.
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Chicken soup.
A na główne danie?
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And for the main course?
Kurczak z ziemniakami.
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Chicken with potatoes.
I pieczarki.
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And mushrooms.
Rybe z frytkami.
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Fish and chips.
I jeszcze sałatke ze swieżych warzyw.
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And a green salad, please.
Stek, prosze.
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Steak, please.
Poprosze pizze z pieczarkami.
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Pizza with mushrooms, please.
Prosze kanapke z szynka i serem.
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I’d like a sandwich with ham and cheese.
Dwa hamburgery.
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Two hamburgers, please.
Danie wegetarianskie.
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A vegetarian dish.
Makaron z sosem pomidorowym.
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Pasta with tomato sauce.
Czy smakowało?
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Did you enjoy the meal?
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too salty
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a bill
Poprosze o rachunek.
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Can I have the bill, please?
Czy w cene wliczony jest napiwek?
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Is service included?
Co mogę podać?
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What can I get you?
Sok pomarańczowy.
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Orange juice, please.
Poprosze sok jabłkowy.
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Apple juice, please.
Poprosze coca cole.
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A Coke, please.
Poprosze wode mineralną.
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Mineral water, please.

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