angielski 6

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(= it's very difficult to make someone older learn something new)
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You can't teach an old dog new tricks
Mecz zaraz się zacznie
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Come quickly! The match is about to begin.
Prawie poddjęłam ważną decyzję finansową
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'I'm about to make a vital financial decision.'
you don't look your age,
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you don't appear the age you are,
when people behave in a way proper for their age,
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-people act their age
an age difference,
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-an age gap
improves with age,
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-wine that gets better as it gets older,
legally become an adult,
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-you come of age at the age of 18
unfair treatment of people because of their age
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Zachowuj się stosowni do wieku i nie rób tyle zamieszania o byle co
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Don't be silly! Act your age and stop making a fuss about such unimportant things.
spraw|ca m, -czyni f czegoś)
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perpetrator /'pз pıtreıt (r)/ (of sth)
a type of prison where young people can be kept for short periods of time - poprawczak
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A detention center
świadectwo n; Jur zeznanie n; 2. (evidence) świadectwo n (to sth czegoś
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testimony /'testım nı, US -m nı/ n
złożyć zeznania
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to give testimony
być świadectwem talentu/odwagi kogoś, świadczyć o talencie/o odwadze kogoś;
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to be a testimony to sb’s talent/courage
świadczyć o czymś
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to bear testimony to sth
to escape.
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To break out of a prison"
Odsiedzieć wyrok
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After you serve time in prison
Być na warunkowym
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you can be let out on probation
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a probation officer
they rob a bank using violence.
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If someone holds up a bank,
they are not punished for something bad they did
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If someone gets away with something,
we punish him only very lightly.
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if we let someone off lightly
is when a group of people stand up against a wall for inspection or identification.
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A lineup
is a gun fight; strzelanina
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A shoot-out
a person who has been in prison.
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A jailbird
the continuous watching of a building, or of some area, usually by the police. "; obserwacja, obserwować
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A stake-out
"also known as".
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bunt m;
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rebellion /rı'belı n/ n
podnieść bunt
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to rise in rebellion
przestrzegać (czegoś) [rule, law, conventions];
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obey / 'beı/
zastosować się do wezwania sądowego
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to obey a summons Jur
– będę trzymać za ciebie kciuki!
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But I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
– zacząć uprawiać spadochroniastrstwo
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to take up (= start) parachuting
- that's when a group of people stand up against a wall for inspection or identification
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a lineup
kanciarz m, oszust m infml
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con man n
wymigać się od kary infml; (unharmed) wyjść bez szwanku; (free from tax) wymigać się od zapłacenia podatku
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scot-free /'sk t'fri / adj to get off or go scot-free (unpunished)
wymigać się od kary
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to beat the rap
szybki urywany oddech m, zadyszka f
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pant /pænt/
nie móc złapać tchu;
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to be panting for breath
weszła po schodach, dysząc or sapiąc
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she came panting up the stairs
ł aknąć czegoś;
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to be panting for or after sth
pałać pożądaniem/chęcią liter
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to be panting with desire/eagerness
powiedzieć zdyszanym głosem, wydyszeć
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■ pant out: pant out [sth], pant [sth] out
degradacja f; (of idea, principle, policy) deprecjacja f; (of football team) przeniesienie n do niższej ligi
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demotion /dı'm ∫n/ n (of person)
miarka f; (of earth) łopatka f; (of ice cream) gałka f; (of mashed potatoes) łyżka f
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scoop /sku p/
zdobyć sensacyjny materiał
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to get a scoop
wyb|rać, -ierać [earth, water]; (dig) wykop|ać, -ywać [hole, foundations];
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■ scoop out: scoop out [sth], scoop [sth] out (take out)
wybierz miąższ z pomidora
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scoop out the flesh out of a tomato
zgarn|ąć, -iać [earth, snow]; podn|ieść, -osić [child]
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■ scoop up: scoop up [sth], scoop [sth] up
ukłucie n;
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twinge /twınd / n (of pain, jealousy, regret)
pewne wątpliwości;
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a twinge of doubt
wyrzut sumienia
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a twinge of conscience
kurczenie się n; (of industry, sector) regres m
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contraction /k n'træk∫n/ n
zaczęły się skurcze (porodowe)
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the contractions have started
dąsać się, stroić fochy;
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to be in a sulk
nadąsać się
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to go into a sulk
dąsy plt, fochy plt;
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sulks npl
dąsać się, stroić fochy
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to have (a fit of) the sulks
dąsać się z powodu czegoś)
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sulk (about or over sth)
nawrót m; (of symptom, event) powtórzenie się n;
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recurrence /rı'k r ns/ n (of illness)
mam nadzieję, że ten problem się nie powtórzy
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I hope there will be no recurrence of the problem
bolesna strata f (kogoś bliskiego) (mourning) żałoba f;
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bereavement /bı'ri vm nt/ n (loss)
stracić bliską osobę
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to suffer a bereavement
(= very exciting and enjoyable)
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1. (make happy) [speed, music, wine] up|oić, -ajać; [action, scene, thought] wprawi|ć, -ać w radosny nastrój;
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exhilarate /ıg'zıl reıt/ vt
byliśmy upojeni sukcesem
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we were exhilarated by our success
(peaks with snow on their tops)
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snow-capped peaks
(= put a length of cloth, ribbon etc. around something several times)
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I guess you should bind the cut up and wait till it stops bleeding.
(= completely different)
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Although they are brothers, they are poles apart.
- krańcowo różnić się
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to be poles apart
podniósł to i natychmiast or szybko upuścił
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he lifted it up and promptly dropped it
punktualnie or dokładnie o szóstej
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promptly at six o’clock
– piorunochron
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a lightning conductor
(= accumulating)
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bottling up
(= express negative feelings)
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to let off steam
(= give you energy)
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(= deliberately, consciously)
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