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of a business/shop/company etcIN A LOCAL AREA a local business, shop etc that is part of a larger business etc
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well-known phrase made popular by an entertainer or politician, so that people think of that person when they hear it
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large board fixed high on a wall outside on which large advertisements are shown SYN billboard
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advertising hoardings
the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of a family, country, or society
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the importance of preserving the national heritage
thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problems
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to use something for a particular purpose, give something to a particular person etc, especially after an official decision has been made
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the importance of allocating resources to local communities
PERSUADEto persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do by talking to them in a kind, gentle, and patient way
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We had to coax Alan into going to school.
EQUALif the cost or amount of something offsets another cost or amount, the two things have an opposite effect so that the situation remains the same
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Cuts in prices for milk, butter, and cheese will be offset by direct payments to farmers.
to buy something
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You can purchase insurance online.
to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc:
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The home team squandered a number of chances in the first half.
very shocked and upset by something very bad or unpleasant
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I was appalled by what I saw.
to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat:
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pictures of starving children
not productive without; any good results
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Thousands of years ago the surface was barren desert.
needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, be healthy
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seeming to be everywhere – sometimes used humorously
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Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.

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