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start learning
start learning
We are runnig out of ink.
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She was late and thereby missed her train
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start learning
start learning
I anticipate trouble finding a good doctor in this town
Zapewniam Pana, że otrzyma Pan zwrot pieniędzy do piątku. start learning
I can assure you that you will receive a refund by Friday.
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In the previous job I was confined to doing only one thing
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That may give us some insight into their methods.
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doskonalić (np... Metodę) start learning
Over the next couple of days I refined my order and asked more questions.
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surowy, nieugięty, niezmienny start learning
start learning
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Let me say a preliminary word about each of these now
nałożyć się w czasie, pokrywać się (o pomysłach) start learning
We all three said the same thing at once, our words overlapping
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In three years under West, the team compiled a record of 1-10.
wyobrażać sobie coś, stworzyć start learning
never could have conceived the end of the relationship.
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start learning
nieodłączny, wrodzony, wewnętrzny, rzeczywisty (np. aspekt, uczucia, wartość) start learning
We think the intrinsic value of the company is in the mid-20's.
start learning
Nonetheless, we have learned much
wydarzenia (zwł. dziwne); to, co się dziej start learning
być niechętnym do zrobienia czegoś start learning
to be reluctant about sth He looked back and saw the reluctance on her face.
znosić (np. niedostatek), ulegać (np. zmianom); rzechodzić (np. szkolenie) start learning
But the company may undergo some changes if the deal goes through.
spotkanie, kontakt, zetknięcie start learning
We encountered some difficulties when trying to apply for a visa