6 minute English Is social media a distraction?

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coś co nas rozprasza
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a distraction
odłóż telefon
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put down your phone
daj mi minutę, poczekaj
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hang on a minute
ćwierkać, zaćwierkać
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to tweet
umieszczać krótką wiadomość w serwisie internetowym Twitter
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to tweet (about social media)
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an impact
Przejdźmy do dzisiejszego pytania quizowego.
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Let's move on to today's quiz question.
cały ciebie słucham, zamieniam się w słuch
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I'm all ears
dowiedzieć sie
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to find out
wśród ludzi
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among people
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to interrupt
raz na jakiś czas, z rzadka
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once in a while
kontynuować program
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to carry on with the show
skupić uwage
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to pay attention
to deliberately say or do something in order to annoy somebody; celowo kogoś rozdrażnić
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to wind somebody up; Calm down! Can't you see he's only winding you up?; That can't be true! You're winding me up.
kręcić się, wić
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to wind /waɪnd/ wound /waʊnd/ wound /waʊnd/ The path wound down to the beach.; The river winds its way between two meadows.
"nakręcić się"
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to get wound up
w celu
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in order to
urządzenie, przyrząd
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a device
stale, ciągle, nieprzerwalnie
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stukać, pukać
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to tap
związek, więź emocjonalna
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a connection
dzielić się (czymś)
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to share
intymny, kameralny, bliski, osobisty
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intymność, zażyłość
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przechylić, odchylić
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to tip, to tilt
pojawić się, wyłonić się
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to emerge
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odwrócić uwagę, oderwać się od czegoś
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to take your mind off something; to distract; Painting helped take her mind off her troubles.
a situation where you're talking to someone and they suddenly look down at their phone or answer it
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lekceważyć, celowo kogoś ignorować
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to snub; synonym cold-shoulder I tried to be friendly, but she snubbed me completely.; He was not invited to the party, and felt snubbed.
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a portmanteau word
kufer podróżny
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a traveling trunk, portmanteau

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