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tem um lugar, mas
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have a place but
tem preservativos em todas as gavetas
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have condoms in all drawers
é brincadeira. Estão no criado-mudo.
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Just kidding. They are on the nightstand.
talvez não tenha sido uma boa ideaia.
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Maybe it wasn't a good idea.
me desculpe
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foi o que tinha que ser
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that's what had to be
está tudo bem
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it's all right
estou um pouco assustado
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I'm a little scared
eu também
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me too
me lembro de como tu gostavas desta piscina
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I remember how you liked this pool
estou muito bravo
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I'm very angry
acho injusto tu colocar esse pese sobte mim
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I think it's unfair you put this weight on me
mas sou teu amigo
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but I am your friend
e não quero que faça mais bobagens
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and I don't want you to do more nonsense
foi um accidente
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it was an accident
não te abre a cabeça de alguém sem quer
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don't open someone's head unintentionally
mas acredito quando diz que não queria fazer isso
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but I believe when you say you didn't want to do that
tu perdeste o controle
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you lost control
juro que. se pudesse voltar...
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I swear that. if I could go back...
tem algo que podemos fazer
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there's something we can do
tem o cara inocente na prisão por algo que não fez, pelo menos até o jugamento começar.
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There's the innocent guy in jail for something he didn't do, at least until the trial began.
Quanto dinheiro pode sacar da tua conta?
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How much money can you withdraw from your account?
Quer que eu vá embora?
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Do you want me to leave?
É esse o problema?
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Is that the problem?
Por que estás tão estranho?
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Why are you so weird?
Não tem nada a ver contigo
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It has nothing to do with you
Então, por que não me contas?
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So why don't you tell me?
Confie em mim
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Trust me
Vai passar
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Will pass
no banheiro
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in the bathroom
Chegou isto para ti
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This has come for you
Eu vou pra cama
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I 'm going to bed
Estou exausto. Que dia...
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I'm exhausted. What a day...
Eu esqueci
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I forgot
A Sra. Sáez me ligou dizendo que tu roubaste um vestido.
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Mrs. Sáez called me saying you stole a dress.
Morri de vergonhs
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I died of shame
Roubar das pessoas na internet não te basta?
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Stealing from people on the internet is not enough for you?
Não roubo de ninguém
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I don't steal from anyone
faço crowdfunding pra lançar meus designs
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I crowdfunding to launch my designs
como vai devolver esse dinheiro?
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how will you return this money?
tens que parar com isso
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you have to stop it
Não diga nada
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Do not say anything
Não vou dizer nada
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I wont say anything
Tu vens dizer. Na frente da tua turma.
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You"re going to say it. In front of your class.
Com orgulho
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With proud
Não tens nada de mais
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You have nothing more
Me solte
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Let me go
Não estrague tudo
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Do not screw it up
pela primeira vez, começo a me sentir parte de algo
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for the first time, I start to feel to be part of something
E alguém que pode ser mais que um amigo.
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And someone who can be more than a friend.
O chofer desta senhorita joga os cigarros no chão, a entrada parace um cinzeiro
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This lady's chauffeur throws her cigarettes on the floor, the entrance looks like an ashtray
Não se preocupe, eu falo com ele
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Don't worry, I talk to him
Chega disso. Ela é faxineira, não tua escrava.
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Enough of that. She's a cleaning lady, not your slave.
Eu me meto na tua vida?
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Do I get into your life? Micham se ti do zivota?
Com essa pinta de plebeia, essos oculos e tudo?
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With this pint of commoner, these glasses and all?
Tanto dinheiro e tão pouca classe.
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So much money and so little class.
Olhe, são só oito horas e não estou a fim disso, mas adoria quebrar a tua cara.
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Look, it's only eight o'clock and I'm not in the mood for it, but I'd love to break your face.
É melhor não criar problemas comigo.
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You better not make trouble with me.
Cuidado com a Barbie barra-pesada.
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Watch out for Barbie Heavy Bar.
Ela parace do meu bairro
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She looks like my neighborhood
Estava a passar por uma crise
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I was going through a crisis
tomar conta
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take care

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