Wyrażenia przyimkowe FCE 2

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start learning
by car
start learning
by cheque
na pamięć
start learning
by heart
tylko z zaproszeniem
start learning
by invitation only
na czyjś rachunek
start learning
by one's own account
start learning
by rail
z powodu
start learning
by trade
w przeciwieństwie do
start learning
contrary to sth
dodatek, wkład do
start learning
contribution to sth
start learning
custody of
skuteczny z
start learning
effective from
twarzą w twarz
start learning
face to face
na całe życie
start learning
for life
bez powodu
start learning
for no (apparent) reason
start learning
for once
na sprzedaż
start learning
for sale
na krótko
start learning
for short
na jakiś czas
start learning
for the time being
od zera
start learning
from scratch
w rzędzie
start learning
in a row
start learning
in addition
z góry
start learning
in advance
start learning
in cash
w porównaniu do
start learning
in comparison to
w grudniu
start learning
in December
w niewierze
start learning
in disbelief
w zachwycie
start learning
in exile
za życia
start learning
in existence
w skupieniu
start learning
in focus
w przeciwieństwie do
start learning
in opposition to

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