Plastyczne Konczyce natura 1

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Przejśc przez łąkę
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go across a meadow
Wejść na wzgórze
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go up the hill
W górach
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in the mountains
Przeskoczyć nad strumieniem
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jump over a stream
Wpaść do kałuży
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fall into a puddle
Wejść na drzewo
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climb a tree
Zwiszać z gałęzi
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hang from a branch
Budowac gniazdo
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make a nest
Gęste chmury
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thick clouds
Pada śnieg
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It snows
Pada deszcz
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It rains/it is raining
Jest gorąco
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It is hot
Jest chłodno
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It is cool
Było mroźno
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It was freezing
Zamarznięte jezioro
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a frozen lake
Liście spadają jesienią
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leaves fall in the autumn
Kosić trawnik
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cut the lawn
Zanieczyszczać glebę
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pollute the soil
Zanieczyszcona woda
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polluted water
Zanieczyszcenia w powietrzu
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pollution in the air
Stsować recycling
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Zbierać smieci
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collect rubbish
Segregować śmieci
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segregate rubbish
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the peak
Skaliste gory
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rocky mountains
Ścinać choinki
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Cut down pine trees
Iść przez las
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go through the forest
Zbierać grzyby w lesie
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pick mushrooms in the woods
Podziwiać wodospad
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admire the waterfall
Walczyć z wycinaniem lasów
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fight deforestation
Chronić zagrożone gatunki
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protect endangered species
Ten ptak może wyginąć
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This bird may become extinct
Karać kłusowników
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punish poachers
Był grad
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There was hail
Rzęsisty deszcz
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heavy rain
Gęsta mgła
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thick fog
Oglądać zachód słońca
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watch the sunset
Oglądać wschód słońca
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watch the sunrise
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Zakładać rezerwaty
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create reservations
Tworzyć parki przyrodnicze
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create wildlife parks
Rzadki gatunek
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rare species
Nad jeziorem
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by the lake
Nad rzeką
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by the river
Nad morzem
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by the sea
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Karmić ptaki w zimie
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feed birds in the winter
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a vet

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