Book - The Clan of the cave bear

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Question Answer
la pierna comenzó a latir a medida que los efectos de la corteza de sauce se desvanecían
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the leg began to throb as the effects of the willow bark wore off
los cortes eran profundos
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the gashes (cuts) were deep
Ella fue arañada por un león
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She was clawed by a lion
la infección está drenando
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the infection is draining
Se quitó la inquietud
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He shrugged off his uneasiness
Lo miraron con asombro
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They regarded him with awe
había sido cruel y exigente
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he had been cruel and demanding
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small sips
empequeñecido por la inmensidad de las estepas
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dwarfed by the vastness of the steppes
él estaba por encima y aparte de la estricta jerarquía del clan
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he was above and aside the strict hierarchy of the clan
herida supurante
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suppurating wound
pierna hinchada
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swollen leg
su buen ojo derecho brillaba con inteligencia
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his good right eye sparkled with intelligence
el defecto que lo paralizó de por vida.
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the defect that crippled him for life
su cabello enmarañado y enredado
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her matted and tangled hair
Divorcio siempre trae angustia.
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Divorce always brings anguish.
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los carnívoros que los aprovecharon
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the carnivores that preyed on them
bosques dispersos
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scattered forests
estepas cubiertas de hierba
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grassy steppes
se lo tragó todo
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it swallowed everything
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Aléjate de las personas que te derribarán.
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Get away the people who will tear you down.
un retumbar bajo
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a low rumble rise
su estómago se revolvió y se hizo un nudo
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her stomach churned and tightened into a knot
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olas picadas
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choppy waves
ella miró a su alrededor
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she glanced around
farfullar, balbucear
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