16: vocab

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Question Answer
it's essential to/that
start learning
il est essentiel de/que
it's important to/that
start learning
il est important de/que
it's indispensable to/that
start learning
il est indispensable pour/que
it is necessary to/that
start learning
il est nécessaire de/que
it is time to/that
start learning
il est temps de/que
one/you must
start learning
il faut (que)
you/one must not
start learning
il ne faut pas (que)
it's better to/that
start learning
il vaut mieux (que)
it's bizarre that
start learning
il est bizarre de/que
it is good to/that
start learning
il est bon de/que
it's a pity to/that
start learning
il est dommage de/que
it's strange to/that
start learning
il est étrange de/que
it's unfair to/that
start learning
il est injuste de/que
it's useless to/that
start learning
il est inutile de/que
it's fair to/that
start learning
il est juste de/que
it's preferable to/that
start learning
il est préférable de/que
it's regrettable to/that
start learning
il est regrettable de/que
it's useful to/that
start learning
il est utile de/que
it's doubtful that
start learning
il est douteux que
it's impossible to/that
start learning
il est impossible de/que
it's possible to/that
start learning
il est possible de/que
it seems that
start learning
il semble que
it's possible that
'het kan dat'
start learning
il se peut que
it's certain that
start learning
il est certain que
it's clear that
start learning
il est clair que
it's obvious that
start learning
il est évident que
it's probable that
start learning
il est probable que
it's certain that
start learning
il est sûr que
it's true that
start learning
il est vrai que
to prefer, like better that
start learning
aimer mieux que
to like/love that
start learning
aimer que
to ask that
start learning
demander que
to desire, want that
start learning
désirer que
to demand, require that
start learning
exiger que
to prefer that
start learning
préférer que
to wish, hope that
start learning
souhaiter que
to be willing that
start learning
vouloir bien que
to want, wish that
start learning
vouloir que
to fear, be afraid of/that
start learning
avoir peur de/que
to be happy that/to
start learning
être content(e)/heureux(se) que/de
to be sorry that/to
start learning
être désolé(e) que/de
to be angry that
start learning
être furieux(se) que
to be delighted that/to
start learning
être ravi que/de
to regret that/to
start learning
regretter que/de
be surprised to/at
start learning
être surpris(e) de/que
I doubt that
start learning
Je doute que
I am not sure that
start learning
je ne suis pas sûr(e) que/de
I am not certain that
start learning
je ne suis pas certain que/de
Provided that
subj.vs. inf.
start learning
À condition que + subj/
à condition de + inf.
In order to
subj.vs. inf.
start learning
Afin que + subj.
afin de + inf.
subj.vs. inf.
start learning
à moins que + subj.
à moins de + inf.
subj.vs. inf.
start learning
Avant que + subj.
avant de + inf.
in order to
subj.vs. inf.
start learning
pour que + subj.
pour + inf.
subj.vs. inf.
start learning
sans que + subj.
sans + inf.
I'd like to present...
start learning
Je voudrais vous/te présenter...
start learning
Moi de même
Where are you from?
start learning
D'ou venez-vous?
How long have you been in...?
start learning
Depuis quand êtes-vous en...?
How long are you going to stay here?
start learning
Vous êtes ici pour combien de temps?
What do you do?
start learning
Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?
Would you like to go there together?
start learning
Vous aimeriez y aller ensemble?
start learning
what is your e-mail address?
start learning
quelle est votre adresse courrielle?
making ties
start learning
créer des liens
other people
start learning
to hardly see each other
start learning
ne se voir guère
in the heart of
start learning
Au sein de
the web surfers
start learning
les internautes
would deny
start learning

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