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Yes, it's me.
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Oui, c'est moi.
Who's speaking (on the apparatus)?
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Qui est à l'appareil?
what [a] pity!
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Oh, quel dommage!
I hope that it's not serious?
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J'espère que ce n'est pas grave
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he's quite well
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il va assez bien,
he has a lot of work at the (in this) moment.
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il a beaucoup de travail en ce moment.
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Des vacances
Don't make me (to) laugh!
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Ne me faites pas rire
We don't have enough money. And you?
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Nous n'avons pas assez d'argent.
Like everybody
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Comme tout le monde
With pleasure
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Avec plaisir.
Next Saturday
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Samedi prochain
I'll have a look
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je vais voir
Don't go away
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Ne quittez pas.
my mother [is] coming to dinner (dine at home).
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ma mère vient dîner à la maison.
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I think that we are free
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Je pense que nous sommes libres.
Look after yourself
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I don't have enough time
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je n 'aipas^assez de temps
Which book do you want?
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Quel livre voulez-vous?
Which books do you like?
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Quels livres aimez-vous?

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