In a meeting

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Several people didn't attend the last meeting.
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Некаторыя не прысутнічалі на мінулай сустрэчы.
I'm convinced that this project will be a success.
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Я ўпэўнены, што гэты праект будзе паспяховым.
From my point of view, I think we need more sellers.
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Я лічу, што нам трэба больш прадаўцоў.
I'm not sure about that.
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Я няўпэўнены у гэтым.
What does everyone think about it?
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Што ўсе думаюць пра гэта?
We are going to discuss the new changes.
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Мы абмяркуем новыя змяненні.
Today we are going to talk about the new sales.
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Сёння мы будзем гаворыць аб новых продажах.
+13 flashcards
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"Everyday phrases in Belarusian"
(total 515 flashcards)

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