cours 1, the vegetables

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the vegetables
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les légumes
a carrot
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une carotte
a muschroom
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un champignon
a cauliflower
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un chou-fleur
a bean
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un haricot
the corn
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le maïs
the peas
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les pois
a potato
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une pomme de terre
a cabbage
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un chou
an asparagus
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une asperge
a broccoli
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un brocoli
a leek
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un poireau
an aubergine
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une aubergine
a green bean
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un haricot vert
a parsnip
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un panais
a pumpkin
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une citrouille
a marrow
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une moelle
a courgette
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une courgette
a gherkin
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un cornichon
an artichoke
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un artichaut
a sweet potato
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une patate douce
a chickpea
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un pois chiche
a soy bean
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une soja

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