Bien Dit 2 - Ch. 2.1

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to light
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the birthday
un bal populaire
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a dance
le ballon
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the balloon
les décorations (f.)
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the decorations
une boîte de chocolats
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a box of chocolate
les bougies (f.)
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the candles
un bouquet de fleurs
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a bouquet of flowers
la boum
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the party
la bûche de Noël
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a yule log (cake)
les cadeaux (m.)
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the presents
une carte d'anniversaire
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a birthday card
une carte de voeux
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a greeting card
un chèque-cadeau
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a gift card
les confettis
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the confetti
le défilé
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a parade
le drapeau
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the flag
les fêtes(f.)
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the parties
la fête des mères/pères
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Mother's/Father's Day
la fête nationale
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Independence day
le feu d'artifice
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the fireworks
la foule
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the crowd
le gâteau
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the cake
l'hymne national (m.)
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the national anthem
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the guest
le jour de l'an/le nouvel an
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New Year's Day
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to thank
le réveillon
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Midnight feast
le sapin de Noël
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Christmas tree
Amuse-toi bien
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Have fun
Joyeux Anniversaire
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Happy Birthday
Bonne Année!
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Happy New Year!
Bonne soirée!
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Have a good evening!
J'espère que tu vas passer
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I hope that you have
Je te/vous souhaite
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I wish you...
Joyeux Noël
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Merry Christmas
Profite bien de
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Bonne idée!
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Good idea!
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Give him/her
Qu'est-ce que je pourrais offrir à
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What could I get for
Tu as une idée de cadeau...?
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Do you have an idea for a present?
Tu n'as pas une autre idée?
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You don't have another idea?
Tu peux lui offrir
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You can give him/her
Il en a déjà plein
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He already has plenty of them.
un jour férié
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a holiday
La Bastille
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French prison
une boulangerie
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une pâtisserie
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pastry shop
faire le pont
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make the bridge (extend a holiday)

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