Italian for children

Italian for children
The phrasebook for the little learners

You’re never too young to start learning a new language!
VocApp’s flashcards are perfect also for the youngest learners who want to master Italian
Not only simple words, but also whole sentences that you can use in every situation!
If you want to talk to your friends or to your parents, now you can easily do it in Italian!
try it for free (20 flashcards) or Get full access
Getting dressed (vocabulary) - Vestirsi (vocabolario)Getting dressed (vocabulary) - Vestirsi (vocabolario)  
44 flashcards
Getting dressed (dialogues) - Vestirti (dialoghi)Getting dressed (dialogues) - Vestirti (dialoghi)  
23 flashcards
Time for breakfast (vocabulary) - Ora di fare colazione (vocabolario)Time for breakfast (vocabulary) - Ora di fare colazione (vocabolario)  
31 flashcards
Time for breakfast (dialogues) - Ora di fare colazione (dialoghi)Time for breakfast (dialogues) - Ora di fare colazione (dialoghi)  
20 flashcards
Before going out (vocabulary) - Prima di uscire (vocabolario)Before going out (vocabulary) - Prima di uscire (vocabolario)  
27 flashcards
Before going out (dialogues) - Prima di uscire (dialoghi)Before going out (dialogues) - Prima di uscire (dialoghi)  
16 flashcards
On a walk (vocabulary) - Passeggiando (vocabolario)On a walk (vocabulary) - Passeggiando (vocabolario)  
26 flashcards
On a walk (dialogues) - Passeggiando (dialoghi)On a walk (dialogues) - Passeggiando (dialoghi)  
13 flashcards
Show all lessons (24)

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Italian for children

As a lot of people say, the sooner you start learning a language, the better and, as such is the case, the easier it will be for children to learn any language whatsoever. If you are looking for your kids to learn Italian words and become familiar with the language, we have created this course called Italian for children so that they can develop their Italian language basics and acquire vocabulary in order to form basic Italian phrases. Furthermore, with the audio of all the vocabulary integrated into these lessons, they can also learn the pronunciation of Italian words and develop a strong foundation in this language. Ideal if you are establishing yourself in an Italian speaking region and want your kids to get used to the language before arriving at the destination, this is a great way to start with basic Italian for children.

What this course is about

In this course made of 24 lessons specifically developed to contribute to the branch of Italian for kids by creating language courses for the youngest members of the family, learning outcomes are related to creating a strong foundation in basic Italian and learning new Italian words in order to enrich their vocabulary so that they can express themselves in situations that are already familiar to them such as:

  • 1. Before going out
  • 2. At the zoo
  • 3. Friends and family
  • 4. Dinnertime
  • 5. Fun
  • 6. TV time

And much more! The artificial intelligence integrated into VocApp will divide study sessions in a way that reinforces their learning so that the newly acquired Italian words and basic Italian phrases won’t be forgotten once they are done with the course. They will be assisted with visual and aural cues so that they can learn basic Italian without problems and strengthen their learning of Italian words and patterns of this language.

Keep learning Italian

VocApp is not only suitable for children, but we also look at enhancing the linguistic competence of anyone that is looking to improve it and we aim at doing so in all the languages we possibly can. In the case of Italian, there are courses aimed at older audiences with which they can also learn plenty of Italian words, phrases, and expressions. After all, the features of VocApp mentioned above applied in general terms. In this sense, if you want to learn the most common Italian words we have a course called Italian words: Top 1000 Italian nouns whose main learning outcome is developing your Italian vocabulary. Another course that takes this purpose further is Italian Words: Top 500 verbs with which you will be able to develop a strong foundation in the Italian language. Don’t miss this opportunity!
