Italian for travelling

Italian for travelling
Your next travel to Italy will be so much easier!

Going to Italy has always been your dream but you were hesitant because of the language? It’s high time to change it!
This set of flashcards has been created for those who need a guide in learning Italian for travelling
Find out what to say in places such as airports, shops, restaurants and how to book a room in Italy
Take a look at the lessons about culture and learn all the famous Italian gestures!
try it for free (20 flashcards) or Get full access
Plane - AeroplanoPlane - Aeroplano  
45 flashcards
Car - AutomobileCar - Automobile  
39 flashcards
Hitchhiking - AutostopHitchhiking - Autostop  
10 flashcards
Long-distance bus - Bus a lunga percorrenzaLong-distance bus - Bus a lunga percorrenza  
24 flashcards
City bus - Autobus cittadiniCity bus - Autobus cittadini  
17 flashcards
Train - TrenoTrain - Treno  
33 flashcards
Ferry - TraghettoFerry - Traghetto  
11 flashcards
Hiking - EscursionismoHiking - Escursionismo  
26 flashcards
Show all lessons (20)

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