Synonyms for the adjectives "beautiful" and "attractive"

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pleasant to look at
How a girl can be so ________ and so shy?
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mostly about women
How a girl can be so pretty and so shy?
physically attractive
- How was the date? - Well, he's very ________, but not very bright...
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- How was the date? - Well, he's very good-looking, but not very bright...
sexually attractive
Have you seen that ________ brunette at the party?
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mostly about women
Have you seen that foxy brunette at the party?
extremely beautiful or attractive
- If Keira Knightley asked me out, I would break up with my girlfriend. She is ________! - Good for you it is never going to happen...
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- If Keira Knightley asked me out, I would break up with my girlfriend. She is stunning! - Good for you it is never going to happen...
pleasant and attractive
Your little kitten is so ________!
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especially of something or someone small or young
Your little kitten is so cute!
very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable
The view from the rooftop of this scyscraper must be ________.
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The view from the rooftop of this scyscraper must be delightful.
interesting or attractive, but perhaps not to be trusted
Your offer is ________ but I have to turn it down.
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Your offer is beguiling but I have to turn it down.
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