Synonyms for the adjective "similar"

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connected with something else
My master thesis is ________ to my job.
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My master thesis is related to my job.
I am looking for a more interesting job with a ________ salary.
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I am looking for a more interesting job with a comparable salary.
very similar
The experience of being exhausted is in a way ________ to drunkenness.
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The experience of being exhausted is in a way analogous to drunkenness.
very similar, difficult to find a difference
I don't know which glass of wine was mine. They are ________.
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I don't know which glass of wine was mine. They are indistinguishable.
exactly the same
What a monotonous landscape. All these houses are ________.
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What a monotonous landscape. All these houses are identical.
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"Synonyms for most overused English words"
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