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bardzo ważny
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plac budowy
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building site
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to participate
ja uczestnicztlam w budowie duzych obiektow jak uniwersytet medyczny I innych wyzszych uczelni
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I participated in the construction of large facilities such as a medical university and other higher education institutions
uniwersytet medyczny
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medical university
duze obiekty
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large objects
wielkie inwestycje
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great investments
nadzor na budowie
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construction site supervision
kontakt podwykonawcami
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contact with subcontractors
rysowanie detali
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drawing details
z biegiem czasu
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over time
po pewnym czasie
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after some time
projekty zamiennie
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projects interchangeable
projekt zamiennie do uzyskania pozwolenia
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the project alternatively to obtain a permit
rysunek zamienny
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replacement drawing
oddymianie budynkunsie zmienilo
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building smoke ventilation has changed
zmienily sie wymagania prawa
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legal requirements have changed
projektanci nie wzieli tego pod uwage I musielismy wprowadzic zmiany
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the designers didn't take this into account and we had to make changes
dobre rozwiazanie
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a good solution
zgody z prawem
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consent with the law
ochrona pozarowa
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fire protection
w trakcie trwania budowy
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during construction
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to spowodowalo ze trzeba bylonrysowac rysunek zamienne
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this made it necessary to draw a replacement drawing
to spowodowało
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it caused
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wlasna dzialalnosc
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own business
zalozylam wlasna dzialalnosc
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I am doing my own business
miec mozliwosc
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have the opportunity
rysunek zamienny
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replacement drawing
generalny wykonawca
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general contractor
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she had a miscarriage
stanowisko pracy
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a carpenter
wywierac wplyw
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exerting influence
klada nacisk na tansza budowe
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puts emphasis on cheaper construction
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Kogo podziwiasz za jego zdolności architektoniczne i dlaczego?
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Who do you admire for their architectural ability and why?
zwykly pracownik
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ordinary employee

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