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architektura strukturalna
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structural architecture
architektura środowiskowa
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environmental architecture
Dom blizniak
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Semi-detached house
dom szeregowy
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a terraced house
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a bedsit
lokale uslugowe
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bidness premiesses
projektu wstepny
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preliminary project
projekt koncowy
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final project
nadzór kierownictwo budowy
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site supervision
protokol odbioru
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final certificate
uprawnieni kosztorysanci
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quantity surveyors
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cost estimates
określenie ilości
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determination of quantities
zbieranie ofert
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offers collection
przyznanie kontraktu
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award of concract
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szkic koncepcyjny
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conceptual sketch
plan koncepcyjny
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block plan
ogólny układ
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general layaut
szczegółowy projekt
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detailed design
wykonawcze rysunki
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working drawings
wnęk rozmieszczenie
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recess drawing
obliczenia statyczne
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structural analysis
projekt konstrukcyjny
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structural design
rysunki szalunkowe
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formwork drawings
rysunek zbrojenia
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reinforcement drawing
opinie ekspertów
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experts opinions
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expert surveyors
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expert reports
prace wykończeniowe
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finishing works
obszar zabudowy
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building development area
zadaszony obszar
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covered area
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powierzchnia użytkowa
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usable area
powierzchnia mieszkalna
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living area
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residential area
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housing estate
koszty budowy
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building costs
Płatność końcowa
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final payment
Widok izometryczny
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isometric view
widok z boku
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side view
widok z tyłu
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rear view
zaakceptowany przez
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approved by
pomiary geodezyjne
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geodetic surveying
użyj tych ułamków
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use those fractions
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