4. It Is Too Late

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Would you like to get something to eat with me?
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Chtěla by sis se mnou dát něco k jídlu?
OK. When?
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OK. Kdy?
At ten o'clock.
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V deset hodin.
Ten in the morning?
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V deset dopoledne?
No, at night.
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Ne, v noci.
Sorry, it's too late. I usually go to bed around ten p.m.
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Promiň, to je moc pozdě. Obvykle chodím spát v deset večer.
OK, how about 1:30 p. m?
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OK, co třeba ve 13:30?
No, that's too early. I'll still be at work then.
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Ne, to je moc brzo. To stále ještě budu v práci.
How about 5 p. m?
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Co třeba v pět večer?
That's fine.
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To je v pořádku.
OK, see you then.
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Dobře, uvidíme se.
Alright. Bye.
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V pořádku. Čau.

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