unit 7

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na skraju (rzucenia pracy)
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on the verge of (quiting a job)
na krawędzi, the point where a new or different situation is about to begin:
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on the brink of; Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Scientists are on the brink of (= extremely close to) a major new discovery.
expect 100%, it is going to, we are very confident about sth, but dont have to be true (present and future use, past when we dont kno lw the results)
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to be bound to, it is bound to rain; I am bound to get sock again
najwyższy czas + jaki czas?
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it is high time you went (past simple!)
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szanse, perspektywy
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odds, prospects
według wszelkiego prawdopodobieństwa / prawdopodobieństwa
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in all likelihood/ probability
to jest każda możliwość
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it is every posibility
cień możliwości 5-10% sznas
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there is slim/ remote possibility
wyraźna możliwość, bardzo prawdopodobne
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distinct possibility
silna możliwość
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strong possibility
nearly 0% chance
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I wouldn’t hold your breath;
very likely
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it is on the cards; tomorrow is 14 degree it is on the cards
to jest wątpliwe
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it is doubtful
extremly unlikely
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it is inconceivable; Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.
najwyraźniej; as far as one knows or can see
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czy jest jakaś nadzieja / szansa, że to zrobisz
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is there any hope/ chance of you doing
wyraźna możliwość, 80% chance
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distinct possibility
szanse są przeciwko otwieraniu restauracji
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the odds are against opening restaurants
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połączyć siły, work together
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to team up
współpracować, aby nadzorować
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team up to oversee
zobowiazać się; promise to do a particular thing
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to undertake; "the firm undertook to keep price increases to a minimum"
wyjaśniać, find a solution
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to resolve; Have you resolved the problem of transport yet?
zadanie na przyszłość
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the task ahead
to make a decision formally or with determination
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resolve; tonresolve to lose weight= promise to lose weight
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to oversee
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to stand for
udogodnienia, infrastruktura; (inside the building)
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udogodnienia (outside the building) eg. restaurants, shops...
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rozwiązać problem; solve the issue
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to adress an issue
długość życia
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life expectancy
osiągnąć, mieć władzę
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to achiveve, to be in charge
zmniejszyć, zmniejszyć
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to reduce, the reduction
powaga sytuacji; importance of the situation
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the gravity of the situation; I am in a grave danger
zmniejszenie o połowę; w czasie wojny ludność Łodzi zmniejszyła się o połowę
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to halve; during the war the population in Łódź halved
przyrzekać, promise
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vow, weeding vows
żywiciel rodziny
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to undermine
przeważać kogoś coś
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larum, protest, people are very angry
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być podstępnym, illegal, breaking the rules, taking the bribe
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to be underhand, the contract is underhand
w trakcie, in progress
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underway; the project is underway
od samego początku;
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from the outset; I was worried about robot taking over the world
rozwiązywać problemy
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address problems
żyć w dostatku, have a lot of money
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to live comfortably
Żywiciel rodziny
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the breadwinner
żmudny, physicaly demanding
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start learning
start learning
I vow to
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a subsidy
wstępne wskazania
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the initial indications
słabe wyniki, we are not as good as we expect
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podtrzymywać, popierać
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uphold; the president uphold the country court’s decision
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redukcja (zwolnienia)
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grant / dotacja rządowa
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government grant/ subsidy
an activity that you spend time doing, usually when you are not working
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pursuit, I enjoy outdoor pursuits like hiking
having enough money to lead a good life
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I am confortably off
start a new business
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set up
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skorzystać z;
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avail of; if you were offered the covid vaccine would you avail of it?
przyda się w rozwiązywaniu / redukowaniu
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will be useful in solving/ reducing
będzie mieć duży wpływ na
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will have a major impact on
byłoby niezwykle korzystne w rozwiązaniu
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would be extremely benefitial in solving
ma ogromne znaczenie / absolutnie niezbędne / szczególnie istotne / fundamentalnie ważne
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is of paramount importance/ absolutely essential/ particulary vital/ fundamentally important
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miałem zamiar ... ale
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i was going to... but
miałem zamiar ... ale
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i was intending to... but
Miałem/ miałam (cos robic)
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i was supposed to
kiedy miałem 6 lat myślałem, że już...
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when I was 6 I thought I would have ... by now
miałem zamiar
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i was meant to
byłem na skraju ... ale
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i was on the verge of ... but
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oranżeria, szklarnia
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start learning
start learning
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z zasady
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on principle
wada, skaza
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start learning
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stosowność, zgodzisz sie z tematem
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ocena, ewaluacja
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telefon stacjonarny
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genialne rozwiązanie
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ingenious solution
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odpowiedzieć (dobrze) na, to react
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to respond (well) to
być nudnym, pochmurny
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to be dull
być wyzwaniem
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to be challenging
bywalec kina, bywalcy
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cinema-goer, -goer
opuszczona fabryka
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an abandoned factory
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to depict
środki do
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the means to
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the procedure
mieć wpływ na
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have an impact on
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according to
potencjalne zagrożenie
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a potential threat
get the money
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to secure fundings (secure the funds)
zbyt daleko idący, przesadny, unbelievable
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to be far-fetched
z wyjątkiem
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expect for
porywający film
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gripping movie
poruszający film
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moving movie
we change the true
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artistic licence
zebrać świetną recenzję
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garner glowing review
w filmie występuje / ma główna role Jonny Deep
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the film stars Jonny Deep
ekscytujący film
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exhilarating film
korzystać z wielu swobód, to do things which might be shocing to people
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to take many liberties
porywająca historia, we are hipnotise, nie mozna oderwac oczu
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gripping story
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sit back

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