
35 flashcards swiatekstudy

178 flashcards korteq

In this set you will get familiar with some really useful expressions on advanced level. The lesson provides definitions, examples, hints and images which facilitate the process of learning.

84 flashcards josehbaltazar

This flashcard lesson will teach you the basics of English including the English alphabet spelling, examples with the alphabet letters, how to form the present simple, what are pronouns. Also, this lesson will introduce you to the types of prepositions, the English word order and will teach you how to form questions in English. Visit the page to learn more!

68 flashcards josehbaltazar

24 flashcards josehbaltazar

Do you want to learn the Russian basics? We are here to help! This free flashcard lesson will teach you the colors in Russian. If you're curious to know how is blue in Russian or what is the Russian word for red, then you should definitely take a look! Master the Russian colors pronunciation and learn more Russian vocabulary with the use of our fun lessons!

15 flashcards tania.v

59 flashcards eep1

Obtener no sólo conocimientos sobre vocabulario básico, sino también sobre temas más avanzados.

15 flashcards amnisgarcia1996

Showing 21-40 of 150 items.

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Related: angielski | polski | English | French | russian culture | russian colors | russian word for blue