types of pronoun

12 flashcards KalinaBlanca

Lista słówek: 1. Szkoła 1.1 Types of schools z książki oxford excellence for matura, exam builder. Szkoła średnia. Przydatne na sprawdzian, kartkówkę, na maturę.

12 flashcards IstotaGromadna

This flashcard lesson will teach you the basics of English including the English alphabet spelling, examples with the alphabet letters, how to form the present simple, what are pronouns. Also, this lesson will introduce you to the types of prepositions, the English word order and will teach you how to form questions in English. Visit the page to learn more!

68 flashcards josehbaltazar

In this lesson you are able to learn the most useful words and phrases about different types of food.

32 flashcards vaivasarkaite

8 flashcards guest2843139

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Related: angielski | matura | English | Spanish | learning languages | present tense | what are pronouns