Moldovan capital

Ši pamoka - ne tik puiki galimybė pramokti anglų kalbą, bet ir pagilinti geografijos žinias.

50 flashcards vaivasarkaite

Whether you are planning a trip to Moldova or just for your curiosity, this fun lesson will introduce you to the main touristic attractions of the Moldovan capital Chișinău! Find out our must-see attractions and recommendations from natives! For more lessons on other countries and language courses, please visit our site and download our app!

15 flashcards tania.v

Learning and having fun at the same time, is it possible? With our capital cities list it does!

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77 flashcards gradadamj

107 flashcards JolaW

45 flashcards michallekawa

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285 flashcards annaw33

34 flashcards michallekawa

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