word meaning

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15 flashcards amnisgarcia1996

4,099 flashcards szredi

Want to learn some Finnish swear words, insults and funny expressions? Get to know the more inappropriate side of the Finnish language and check out these funny Finnish sayings and words!

28 flashcards hannenykanen

38 flashcards valeriazen

Learn the coolest Russian swear words, discover their meaning and master their pronunciation with our fun flashcards! Learn how to use them in sentences, what is the syka blyat meaning, how to say fuck you in Russian and many more interesting things with just one lesson! Explore our site for other fun lessons on insults and download our app to learn even easier!

18 flashcards tania.v

Prepositions, adverbs, and phrasal verbs are not unique to English - they exist in other languages. Exploring those concepts in one's home language can be helpful to understanding the same concepts in English. Learning them in English is a challenge but it's possible with VocApp!

28 flashcards josehbaltazar

Showing 141-150 of 150 items.

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Related: angielski | polski | English | finnish swear words | russian curse words | fuck you in russian | russian insults