June 14 2023 group A

 0    28 flashcards    shennashambira
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Question Answer
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Bede szukac nowej pracy
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I'll be looking for a new job
Zab mądrości
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Wisdom tooth
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Czy mozemy ochronic zab
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Can we protect the tooth
Zab mnie boli od poniedzialku
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My tooth hurts since Monday
lekarstwo przepisane przez lekarza
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medicine prescribed by the doctor
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zalety prywatnego ubezpieczenia
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the benefits of a private insurance
ważne jest, aby zarezerwować termin z wyprzedzeniem
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it's important to book an appointment in advance
W pełni zarezerwowane
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Fully booked
Czy moge zrobic rezerwacje pokoju
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Can I make a room reservations
Dodatkowa oplata
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Additional fee
Kantor jest niedaleko na rogu ulicy
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The exchange office is nearby, on the corner of the street
Doksd podrozujesz
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Where are you traveling to?
"zrelaksowany, wyluzowany"
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As cool as a cucumber
Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna przebiegla dobrze gdyz byl przygotowany
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The interview went well because he was prepared
Nie wiem czy zdążę
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I don't know if I can make it
To zadanie jest Trochę trudne
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This task is a bit tricky
Ile czasu bede czekac na odpowiedz
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How long will I have to wait for an answer
Zawalony praca
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Buried at work
Potrzebujesz odpoczynku
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You need to rest
Musisz isc na terapie
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You need to go to therapy
Impreza była oświetlona
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The party was lit
Znowu spóźniony
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Delayed again
To jest przelew. miedzynarodowy
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This is an international transfer
Jak dlugo mozns czekac na ten przelew
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How long can I wait for this transfer?
Nie zapomnij ze nie mozesz. prxrkraczac zoltej lini
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Don't forget you can't cross the yellow line

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