Polish English Dictionary

język polski - English

spłacić in English:

1. pay back

I pay back £50 of the loan to the bank every month.
Did I pay back the money I borrowed from you?
You can pay back the loan over a period of three years.
She couldn’t borrow money from the bank, because bank don't belive that she will pay back.
She couldn’t borrow money from the bank, because the bank doesn't belive that she will pay back.

English word "spłacić"(pay back) occurs in sets:

Zdrowie i dobre samopoczucie i trochę o zakupach
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Life lessons and white lies
Hotel - słówka angielskie
2A (25.02.2019) Intermediate

2. pay off

English word "spłacić"(pay off) occurs in sets:

Banks and insurance + forms of payment
PHRASAL VERBS, McCarthy, English Phrasal Verbs in ...
Unit Work and Money C
SGH angielski semestr IVb
czasowniki złożone 3

3. repay

I would like to repay him for his kindness.
Debtors are people who cannot re-pay money they owe.
I must repay the debt.
I've got to get some money somehow to repay the bank loan.
Lend money only to such as will repay it.
I will lend you some money, on condition that you will repay it in a week.
He wanted to repay the kindness of his friends.
repay a loan
to repay a debt/loan/mortgage
He would also be able to repay to Laxmidas the money
As a result of the crisis, many families in the United States were unable to repay their loans and were evicted
How long does Alison have to repay the loan?
When are you going to repay them the money you borrowed?
I’d like to buy them something to repay all their kindness.
Someday I will repay him for looking down on me.

English word "spłacić"(repay) occurs in sets:

Matura 8: PAŃSTWO I SPOŁECZEŃSTWO (podstawa)
Państwo i społeczeństwo cz. 2
ksero the subprime crisis
Słówka do Egzaminu z Angielskiego

4. to pony up

Just wanted to remind you that you need to pony up this month.

English word "spłacić"(to pony up) occurs in sets:

Hajs i samochody - Money & Cars