Luxembourgish in 1 day

Luxembourgish in 1 day
Learn basic Luxembourgish without effort!

Do you want to learn the language of Robert Schuman, one of the founders of the European Union?
Learn the meaning of the untranslatable word “Gemittlechkeet”!
Impress the 400.000 people that speak the language with your Luxembourgish!
You will see that learning this language is a piece of cake!
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This course is 100% free. We want to show you how fast & easy you can learn with us.
10 words in 60 seconds - 10 Wierder an 60 Sekonnen10 words in 60 seconds - 10 Wierder an 60 Sekonnen  
10 flashcards
You already know that:) - Dat wësst dir schonn!You already know that:) - Dat wësst dir schonn!  
10 flashcards
Questions - FroenQuestions - Froen  
10 flashcards
Simple sentences - Einfach SätzSimple sentences - Einfach Sätz  
16 flashcards
People - LeitPeople - Leit  
28 flashcards
Verbs - VerbenVerbs - Verben  
19 flashcards
Keng Iwwersetzung - UntranslatableKeng Iwwersetzung - Untranslatable  
4 flashcards

Why should you learn Luxembourgish?

One of the challenges you have got when you are learning a language like Luxembourgish is that it is quite difficult to find resources out there. Why? Because Luxembourgish is only spoken by around 400.000 people! Still, there are tons of reasons why it might be a good idea to learn Luxembourgish:

  • Luxembourg is today the only remaining Grand Duchy in the world and definitely worth a visit!
  • You will be able to more easily understand other international languages such as German and Dutch if you learn Luxembourgish: Luxembourgish is a West Germanic language and as such has some similarities with those two.
  • Learn Luxembourgish and make your CV stand out! Imagine being one of the few people who know how to write and speak the language, big plus!
  • Learn Luxembourgish to stimulate your brain and thus improve your memory.
  • If you’re planning to move to Luxembourg, build a life there and eventually even acquire the Luxembourgish nationality, then you will have to learn Luxembourgish, as it is a prerequisite.
  • The entire country’s population is approximately 610.000 and over 40% of which are foreign residents. Luxembourgish is the language most foreign residents have in common!
  • Even though Luxembourg has three official languages, namely German, French and Luxembourgish, the latter one is the one used in everyday conversations, while German and French are primarily used for administrative purposes.
  • The country’s motto is “Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sin” meaning “We want to remain what we are”. To truly feel integrated in a country, learning its official language is a must!

The key is consistency! Start today!

Learn basic Luxembourgish vocabulary

We are well aware that resources to learn Luxembourgish are scarce, which is why we created this Luxembourgish in 1 day course to help you start your journey! VocApp provides you a list with basic Luxembourgish vocabulary, some very simple sentences, as well as a few Luxembourgish words that are untranslatable! Learning a language is an active process, which begins at birth and goes on throughout a lifespan! Our spaced repetition algorithm will remind you to, in defined intervals, repeat the vocabulary you’ve learned, making sure that the words are engraved in your memory! Being able to write Luxembourgish is great, but to actively use a language, you have to be able to correctly pronounce each word, which is why VocApp also provides audio recordings of each word and example sentence! We provide you with all the needed resources to efficiently learn Luxembourgish.

Continuously improve your Luxembourgish

VocApp is the perfect platform to learn Luxembourgish online. Our professional linguists prepared a variety of Luxembourgish courses, which will help you master the language! Why don’t you take a look?

Luxembourgish: Day 2

Small Talk in Luxembourgish
