Spanish Words: Top 300 Adjectives

Spanish Words: Top 300 Adjectives
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300 most important Spanish adjectives 1 - 26  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 26 - 50  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 51 - 75  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 76 - 100  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 101 - 125  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 126 - 150  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 151 - 175  
25 flashcards
300 most important Spanish adjectives 176 - 200  
25 flashcards
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Interesting facts about Spanish

The Spanish language is a Romance language, along with French, Portuguese, Romanian, Italian and Catalan. This means that if you'll learn Spanish you will have the opportunity to learn the other Romance languages much easier. Another interesting fact is that Spanish has two names: castellano and español. The Castilian Spanish refers to the dialects spoken in the central and northern parts of Spain. A fact that makes all learners optimistic is that the Spanish language is a phonetic language, meaning that each letter represents a sound and you pronounce the words exactly as they are written. That makes Spanish easier to learn, especially its pronunciation and spelling. Spanish is a very beautiful and poetic language. It is more expressive than English, that is why if you'll want to translate something from Spanish to English, your text will be longer than the original. Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries are great travel destinations, that is why many people want to learn at least some basic Spanish. Also, Spain is popular because of its educational opportunities. Learning Spanish is not that difficult and is really worth it! Learn to speak Spanish online with our fun flashcards!

Learn Spanish adjectives

An adjective is an important word that describes a pronoun or a noun. There are two main differences between the Spanish adjectives and the English ones. The first difference is that the Spanish adjectives are placed after the noun they describe, with some exceptions. Another important difference is that the Spanish adjectives should agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. The Spanish adjectives can be split into two groups: those that end with "o" and those that end in other letters. The feminine of the Spanish adjectives that end in "o" is formed by changing the ending to "a", while the masculine keeps the "o". For Spanish adjectives that don't end in "o", you have to leave them as they are. The Spanish adjectives that end with "o", "e" and "a" will need an "s" at the end to match them with plural nouns, while the Spanish adjectives that end in consonants will need the ending "es". The Spanish adjectives that end in "z" will need it to be replaces with "c" and an "es" to be added. These are the basic things you need to know about adjectives in Spanish. The Spanish adjectives list of this course includes some of the most common and important words. Here are some examples of adjectives our linguists included:

  • 1. bueno = good
  • 2. bien = fine
  • 3. malo = mean
  • 4. seguro = sure
  • 5. nuevo = new

The Spanish lessons of this course will teach you important and common Spanish adjectives, such as easy in Spanish or big in Spanish. You will be able to describe the way a person looks using short in Spanish, tall in Spanish and many more adjectives! Start learning Spanish right now!

Learn Spanish online

VocApp offers you a unique opportunity to learn Spanish fast and easy! Our flashcards are the best way to learn Spanish because they include pictures, pronunication and the Spanish to English translation! Our linguists create more and more Spanish lessons and courses to help you learn this beautiful language! The Spaced Repetition System we use will remind you which Spanish words to repeat and when should you do that in order to remember all the new Spanish vocabulary! Don't forget to take a look at our other courses that will teach you even more Spanish words. Master the Spanish adjectives and proceed to the courses of nouns and verbs: Spanish Words: Top 1000 Nouns, Spanish Words: Top 500 Verbs. Another interesting course we advise you to take a look at is Everyday phrases in Spanish. It will teach you some of the most common Spanish phrases. Learning Spanish is easy and fun with VocApp's flaschards!
