Zbigniew C. #12 (6th Dec)

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Question Answer
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Thank you.
Nie ma za co.
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No problem. / You're welcome.
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an answer
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to answer
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a question
Czy możesz odpowiedzieć?
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Can you answer?
Czy możesz odpowiedzieć na moje pytanie?
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Can you answer my question?
Czy możesz mi pomóc?
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Can you help me?
Nie mogę ci pomóc.
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I can't help you.
Mogę ci pomóc.
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I can help you.
powtórzenie (słownictwa)
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powtarzać (słownictwo)
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to revise
nowe słówka
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new words
Powtórzmy nowe słówka.
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Let's revise new words.
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Ja zawsze pomagam mojej córce.
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I always help my daughter.
Ja zawsze pomagam moim dzieciom.
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I always help my children.
Ja zawsze pomagam mojemu synowi.
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I always help my son.
Ja zawsze jeżdżę do pracy samochodem.
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I always go to work by car.
Dzisiaj jest środa. (jest środa dzisiaj)
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It's Wednesday today.
Dzisiaj jest piątek. (jest piątek dzisiaj)
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It's Friday today.
mieszkać / żyć
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to live
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a wife
moja żona
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my wife
Mieszkam z moją żoną.
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I live with my wife.
Nie mieszkam z moją córką.
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I don't live with my daughter.
Nie mieszkam z moim synem.
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I don't live with my son.
Mieszkasz ze swoimi dziećmi?
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Do you live with your children?
Jeżdżę do Warszawy w piątki.
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I go to Warsaw on Fridays.
Jadę do Warszawy teraz.
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I'm going to Warsaw now.
Czy jeździsz do Warszawy w czwartki?
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Do you go to Warsaw on Thursdays?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Czy jedziesz do Warszawy teraz?
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Are you going to Warsaw now?
Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Witamy w Polsce.
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Welcome to Poland.
Witamy w Warszawie.
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Welcome to Warsaw.
Witamy w CAL.
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Welcome to CAL.
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Ile masz lat? (jak stary jesteś ty)?
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How old are you?
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ty jesteś
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you are / you're
ja jestem
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I am / I'm...
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on jest
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he is / he's
ona jest
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she is / she's
On jest stary.
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He is old.
Ona nie jest stara.
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She is not old. / She isn't old.
Ja nie jestem stary.
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I'm not old.
Ja nie jestem głodny.
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I'm not hungry.
Ja jestem Polakiem.
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I'm Polish.
Ona jest Polką.
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She's Polish.
On jest Niemcem.
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He's German.
On nie jest Polakiem.
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He isn't Polish.
Ile lat ma twoja córka? (jak stara twoja córka jest?)
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How old is your daughter?
Ile lat ma Ula?
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How old is Ula?
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Ula ma 10 lat.
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Ula is ten (years old).
Ile lat ma Basia?
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How old is Basia?
Basia ma 13 lat.
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Basia is 13 (years old).
Ile ty masz lat? (Jak stary jesteś ty?)
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How old are you?
Mam dwadzieścia lat.
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I am twenty. / I'm twenty (years old).
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Moja żona jest z Polski.
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My wife is from Poland.
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Moja wnuczka jest mądra.
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My granddaughter is smart.
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Ona jest wysoka.
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She is tall.
Jestem wysoki.
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I am tall. / I'm tall.
Lubię czekoladę.
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I like chocolate.
Lubię dzieci.
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I like children.
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a child
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Jestem zmęczony
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I'm tired.
Ona jest zmęczona.
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She is tired. / She's tired.
On jest zmęczony.
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He is tired. / He's tired.
Ona nie jest głodna.
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She isn't hungry.
On nie jest szczęśliwy.
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He isn't happy.
Czy ona jest zmęczona? (Jest on zmęczony?)
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Is she tired?
Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Czy on jest głodny? (Jest on głodny?)
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Is he hungry?
Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

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