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To wszystko
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That's all
Powodzenia w odrabianiu lekcji
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Good luck with your homework!
Coś jeszcze?
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Anything else?
Wciąż tam jesteś
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You are still there
Lepiej już pójdę
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I'd better go
Na razie!
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See you!
Jeśli chcesz
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If you like
Twoja kolej
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It's your turn.
Jestem bardzo stremowany
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I'm feeling really nervous
Nie ma mowy!
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No way!
Proszę bardzo!
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Here you go
W porządku.
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Fair enough
Przyjdźcie do mnie do domu.
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Come round to my house.
Znowu to samo
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Not again!
Dokładnie tak!
start learning

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