What are emotions and how do they work PART 1.

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To work.
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Trabalhar, funcionar.
How do emotions work?
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Como funcionam as emoções?
How does it work?
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Como isso funciona?
How does this machine work
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Como funciona esta máquina?
Where do you work?
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Onde você trabalha?
Where does your best friend work?
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Onde seu melhor amigo trabalha?
To make something work.
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Fazer algo funcionar.
What's the best way to make it work?
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Qual é a melhor maneira de fazer isso funcionar?
To be feared and avoided.
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Ser temido e evitado.
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Loneliness is one of the most feared and avoided emotions.
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A solidão é uma das emoções mais temidas e evitadas.
Feeling lonely can be so painful.
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Sentir-se solitário pode ser tão doloroso.
To open up.
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Having nobody to talk to and open up is so painful.
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Não ter ninguém com quem conversar e desabafar é tão doloroso.
Anger and hatred are feared and avoided emotions.
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A raiva e ódio são emoções temidas e evitadas.
Why focus on emotions
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Por que se concentrar nas emoções
You should focus on what you want to attract into your life.
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Você deve se concentrar no que deseja atrair para sua vida.
Focusing on your fears should be avoided.
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Concentrar-se em seus medos deve ser evitado.
We focus on emotions because they tell us what we need to learn.
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Nos concentramos nas emoções porque elas nos dizem o que precisamos aprender.
What you focus on expands.
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O que você foca se expande.
Where your focus goes, energy flows.
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Onde o seu foco vai, a energia flui.
To give important information.
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Dar informações importantes.
To pay attention.
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Prestar atenção.
I'm gonna give you important information, so, pay attention!
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Eu vou lhe dar informações importantes, então, preste atenção!
To make your mind up.
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Tomar uma decisão.
You need to read this important information before you make your mind up.
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Você precisa ler essas informações importantes antes de decidir.
Please read this piece of information before jumping.
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Por favor, leia esta informação antes de saltar.
To survive.
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I'll survive.
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Vou sobreviver.
It's hard to survive under these circumstances.
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É difícil sobreviver nessas circunstâncias.
To provide someone with something.
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Fornecer alguma coisa para alguém.
Bill Gates provides support for poor communities in Africa.
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Bill Gates oferece apoio para comunidades pobres na África.
Bill's support is essential for them to survive.
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O apoio de Bill é essencial para eles sobreviverem.
To respond rapidly to something.
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Responder rapidamente a alguma coisa.
To relate to someone.
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Entender, se identificar com alguém, ser parente de alguém.
I see your difficulties and I can relate to you.
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Entendo suas dificuldades e me identifico com você.
My work is related to computers.
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Meu trabalho está relacionado a computadores.
Tom and I are related.
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Tom e eu somos parentes.
I think we are related.
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Eu acho que somos parentes.
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To demand.
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He demanded that I pay him imediatelly.
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Ele exigiu que eu lhe pagasse imediatelly.
She has a very demanding boss.
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Ela tem um chefe muito exigente.
The demands of his job are the cause of his stress.
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As exigências do trabalho são a causa de seu estresse.
To tell someone something.
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Contar alguma coisa para alguém.
He tells me the same story over and over again.
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Ele me conta a mesma história repetidamente.
Mary always tells me her secrets.
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Mary sempre me conta os segredos dela.
He told me about his plans.
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Ele me contou sobre os planos dele...
Teachers tell students what to do for homework.
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Os professores dizem aos alunos o que fazer de lição de casa.
The teacher told us about important facts related to the World War II.
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A professora nos contou sobre fatos importantes relacionados à Segunda Guerra Mundial.
To know what someone needs.
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Saber o que alguém precisa.
To know what you need you have to meditate.
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Para saber o que você precisa, você deve meditar.
To know what they need you have to ask,
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Para saber o que eles precisam você precisa perguntar.
Take action.
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Agir, tomar uma atitude.
Don't wait for things to happen. Take action ASAP.
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Não espere que as coisas aconteçam. Tome uma atitude o mais rápido possível.
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ASSIM QUE POSSÍVEL., imediatamente.
To meet someone's needs.
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Atender às necessidades de alguém.
My diet meets all my nutritional needs.
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Minha dieta atende todas as minhas necessidades nutricionais.
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Além disso, também.
I'm an Engligh teacher and I also teach Portuguese.
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Sou professor de inglês e também ensino português.
They are related to my father and also to my husband
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Eles são parentes do meu pai e também do meu marido
What do you feel for him?
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O que você sente por ele?
What you feel.
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O que você sente.
What are you feeling?
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O que você está sentindo?
What did you feel?
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O que você sentiu?
To learn something through experience.
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Aprender algo através da experiência.
Learn something through experience and you'll never forget it.
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Aprenda algo através da experiência e você nunca esquecerá.
Wisdom comes through experience.
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A sabedoria vem através da experiência.
Can turn into something.
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Pode se transformar em algo.
Caterpillars can turn into butterflies in 20 days.
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As lagartas podem se transformar em borboletas em 20 dias.
Cat lovers can turn into cat collectors.
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Amantes de gatos podem se transformar em colecionadores de gatos.
He turned into a successful entrepreneur after several failures.
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Ele se transformou em um empresário de sucesso após vários fracassos.
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I never watch scary movies such as The Exorcist
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Eu nunca vejo filmes assustadores como o The Exorcist.

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