How stress affects your brain PART 2

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Might make something harder.
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Pode dificultar alguma coisa.
A diet rich in fats and sugar might make it harder for you to lose weight.
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Uma dieta rica em gorduras e açúcar pode dificultar a sua perda de peso
Constant trips to the shopping mall might make it harder to save money.
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Passeios constantes ao shopping podem tornar mais difícil economizar dinheiro.
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No fim, por fim, em algum momento, finalmente, algum dia.
Keep trying and eventually you will succeed.
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Continue tentando e algum dia você terá sucesso.
Right down to something.
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Incluindo algo.
Amalie was dressed completely in black, right down to the lipstick and earrings.
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Amalie estava vestida completamente de preto, desde o batom até os brincos.
Everyone, from the CEO down to the admin assistants, was questioned by the police.
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Todos, do CEO até os assistentes de administração, foram questionados pela polícia.
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Chief Executive Officer.
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The amount of nurturing you receive.
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A quantidade de cuidados e afeto que você recebe.
To provide someone with something.
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Fornecer, dar algo a alguém.
Nurturing moms provide their children with care and affection.
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Mães cuidadosas e amorosas dão cuidados e afeto aos seus filhos.
To play an important part in something.
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Desempenhar um papel importante em algo.
Education plays an important part in the prosperity of a country.
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A educação desempenha um papel importante na prosperidade de um país.
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Despite the setbacks, your project will turn out well.
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Apesar dos contratempos, seu projeto seu projeto vai dar certo.
Seemingly strong people turn out to be the weakest in the end.
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Pessoas aparentemente fortes acabam sendo as mais fracas no final.
To stick to something.
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Grudar em algo, insistir, persistir em alguma ideia ou plano.
You should stick to your plan.
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Você deveria insistir no seu plano.
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To become more sensitive.
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Se tornar mais sensível, emotivo.
Overprotected children turn out to be the most sensitive.
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Crianças super-protegidas tornam-se as mais sensíveis.
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Sensato, prudente, ajuizado.
Obama is one of the most sensible people I know.
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Obama é uma das pessoas mais sensatas que conheço.
Offering me your help was very sensible of you.
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Oferecer sua ajuda foi muito sensato da sua parte.
To swap something.
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Trocar alguma coisa por outra.
We swapped phone numbers.
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Trocamos números de telefone.
We swapped houses on our last holiday.
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Trocamos casas em nossas últimas férias.
To be caused by something.
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Ser causado por algo.
High crime rates is caused by unemployment and recession.
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As taxas elevadas de criminalidade são causadas pelo desemprego e recessão.
To be passed down.
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Ser transmitido.
My values and principles were passed down by my parents.
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Meus valores e princípios foram transmitidos por meus pais.
There are many ways to do something.
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Há muitas maneiras de fazer algo.
There are many ways to improve your English.
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Existem muitas maneiras de melhorar o seu Inglês.
There aren’t many effective ways to reduce your appetite.
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Não existem muitas formas eficazes de reduzir o seu apetite.
To be aware of something.
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Estar atento, consciente, ciente de algo.
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When meditating, try to keep focused on your surroundings.
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Quando meditar, tente permanecer focado no que está ao seu redor.
To decrease something.
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reduzir, diminuir, baixar.
Gas price is decreasing after oil taxes were reduced.
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O preço da gasolina está baixando depois que os impostos sobre petróleo foram reduzidos.
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To increase.
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There has been an increase in the number of people interested in meditation.
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Houve um aumento no número de pessoas interessadas em meditação.
To be defeated.
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Ser derrotado.
She was defeated several times, but she made a decision not to give up and kept trying.
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Ela foi derrotada várias vezes, mas tomou a decisão de não desistir e continuou tentando.
The pressures of daily life.
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As pressões da vida diária, as pressões do quotidiano.
We need to deal with the pressures of daily life and persevere.
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Precisamos lidar com as pressões do quotidiano e perseverar.
Get in control of something
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Ter controle sobre algo.

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