unit 4 Speaking p. 57

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za i przeciw
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pros and cons
Tak jak to widzę
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As I see it
Moim zdaniem
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In my opinion
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Jestem całkiem pewna/pewny, że...
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I'm pretty sure that...
To tylko moje zdanie, ale...
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It's just my opinion, but...
wyobrażam sobie
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I imagine
Nie mam wile doświadczenia w tym temacie, ale...
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I don't have much experience of this, but...
Szczerze mówiąc, nie rozumiem
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To be honest, I do not understand
jestem całkowicie przekonany/a
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I am absolutely convinced
Bez wątpienia
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Without a doubt,
Zakładam, że
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I suppose that
Sądzę, że
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I reckon that
Nie wiem tego na pewno, ale
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I don't know it for a fact, but
Moim zdaniem
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To my mind

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