TOEFL - Phrasal verbs 126 - 150

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Il cuoco ha dovuto rifare la pasta.
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make over
The cook had to make the pasta over.
Mi ha escluso dalla lista degli invitati della festa.
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leave out
He left me out of his party's guest list.
Ha dovuto stendersi perchè si sentiva stordita.
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lie down
She had to lie down because she felt dizzy.
far entrare
Non posso farti entrare nella mia camera; è in disordine.
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let in
I can't let you in my room; it's messy there.
far uscire
Sarah ha fatto uscire l'uccello dalla gabbia.
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let out
Sarah let the bird out of the cage.
prendere in giro
Il bullo prendeva in giro un ragazzo.
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make fun of
The bully was making fun of a boy.
Posso rimediare alla tua perdita di tempo.
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make up for
I can make up for the loss of your time.
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"TOEFL - Verbi frasali"
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