english sayings about education

This flashcard lesson will teach you what are idioms and when do we use them. You will learn some of the most common word idioms, balance idioms and carpet sayings, along with their pronunciation and example sentences with them. Discover what does "work the fingers to the bone" and other useful job idioms mean! Explore our platform for great and effective flashcard lessons!

18 flashcards vocapp2

Find the most common and useful bank sayings and money idioms in just one lesson! Learn idioms about money, their meaning and pronunciation with our fun flashcard lesson! You will now know the break the bank meaning and pretty penny meaning! Explore our site for more interesting flashcard lessons on idiomatic expressions!

50 flashcards vocapp2

When people ask us how to improve their English, one of the things we always recommend is watching the news in English. And you can’t watch the news without running into some common political idioms. Idioms will enrich your English vocabulary.

13 flashcards vocapp2

483 flashcards annasecewicz

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Related: angielski | CAE | FCE | francuski | English | bank sayings | money phrases