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Cześć. Poproszę dwa bilety.
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Hello. I would like two tickets.
Proszę dwa bilety.
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Two tickets please.
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Ile zapłacę?
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How much do I pay?
Czy mogę fotografować obrazy?
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Can I photograph images?
Gdzie jest sklep z pamiątkami?
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Where is the gift shop?
Gdzie jest sklep z pamiątkami?
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Where is the gift shop?
To dobry pomysł. Wezmę to.
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It is a good idea. I will take it.
Wezmę audioprzewodnik.
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I will take the audioguide.
Dziękuję. Do widzenia.
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Thank you. Bye.

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