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traf chciał
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as luck would have it
powodzenia nastepnym razem
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good luck next time
załatwione/ po sprawie
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Bob's your uncle
strzał w dziesiątkę
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bull's eye
na zdrowie
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co proszę?
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come again?
daj spokój/oj tam oj tam
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come off it
niech się dzieje co chce
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come what may
słowo daję!
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I swear!/ cross my heart
nie ma za co
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don't mention it
w porządku/zgoda
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fair enought
pośpiesz się
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get a move on
wypchaj się!
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get stuffed
orzeł czy reszka?
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heads or tails?
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hear, hear!
do nogi (zawołanie do psa)
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start learning
here goes
i znowu to samo
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here we go again
twoje zdrowie
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here's to you
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hold it
chwileczkę/ moment
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hold your horses
jak to mozliwe
start learning
how come

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