Part 2

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na przekor
start learning
in defiance of
start learning
to tame
przeksztalcic cos w cos
start learning
to mould sth into sth
budzacy podziw
start learning
uchwalac ustawe
start learning
to pass a law/ an act
grac kluczowa role
start learning
to play a pivotal role
wyrzezbiony, uformowany
start learning
carved out
przymknac oko na cos
start learning
to turn a blind eye to sth
okrazany, omijany
start learning
skirted around
drobne przestepstwa
start learning
petty crimes
drugi (the second)
start learning
the latter
wczesniej wspomniany
start learning
byc uwazanym czyms/za (be regarded as)
start learning
to be deemed (the cheapest way)
pozbywac sie (get rid of)
start learning
to dispose of
start learning
pierwsza proba czegos
start learning
a stab at sth
po namysle (on reflection)
start learning
as an afterthought
bardzo jadowity
start learning
start learning
siegajac od po
start learning
ranging from to

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