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1. Odkurzanie
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1. Vacuuming
Przetrzeć schody
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Wipe down the stairs
Zetrzeć listwy
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Wipe down the strips
Umyć wiatrołap
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Wash the vestibule
Umyć stół
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Wash the table
Rozłożyć zmywarkę
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Disassemble the dishwasher
Nakryć do stołu
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Set the table
Posprzątać po posiłku
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Clean up after a meal
Prasowanie 10 szt.
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Ironing 10 pcs.
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Umyć drzwi
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Wash the door
Umyć lustro
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Wash the mirror
Wywiesić pranie
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Hang laundry

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