Living in a car with a chld

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mieszkać w samochodzie
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to live in a car
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To było trudne.
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It was tough.
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a co-worker
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a parking lot AmE / a car park BrE
na parkingu
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in a prking lot / in a car park
podejść do kogoś
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to go up to sb
być w stanie zrobić coś
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to be able to do sth
od tego dnia
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since that day
zmienić życie kogoś
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to turn around sb's life
oddalić sprawę
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to dismiss a case
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a fund
iść do sądu
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to go to court
Doceniam cię.
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I appreciate you.
Niech cię Bóg błogosławi.
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God bless you.

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