lisi aerospace

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budynek skladal sie z czesci produkcyjnej I biurowo socjalnej
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the building consisted of a production part and an office and social part
skladali polprodulty
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they assembled semi-products
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nawa hali
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the nave of the hall
hala produkcyjna
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manufacturing hall
hala skladal sie z dwoch naw
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the hall consisted of two naves
konstrukcje dachu stanoeila kratownica
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the roof structure was a truss
powierzchnia okolo 5000
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area of about 5000
lawa fundamentowa
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continuous footing
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stopa fundamentowa
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spot footing
zadłużenie fundacji
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debt of foundation
rzad slupow
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row of sloops
izolacja przeciw wilgoxiowa
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damp proof curse
ściana zewnętrzna
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external wall
jastrych z zaokraglonym cokołem
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screed with coved skirting
podloze gruntowe
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wypełnienie żwirem
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gravel fill
warstwa zageszczonego zwiru
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membrana przeciwwilgociowa
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damp proof membrane
płyta podłogowa
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floor slab
warstwa wyrownujaxa zwykły beton
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blinding or soling plain concrete
ściana nośna
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load bearing wall
wieksze rezerwy
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larger reserves
magazynowanie surowców i produktów
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raw material and product storage
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raw material
Rozdzielnica SN
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MV switchegear
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LV switchgear
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linia chemiczna
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chemical line
pomieszczenie konserwacyjne
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maintance room
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boiler room
deski z betonu komórkowego
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planks aerocrete
sciana gipsowo-kartonowy
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wall gipsum cardboard

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