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gęś / gęsi
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gus / gis
wesz / wszy
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louse / lice
mysz / myszy
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mouse / mice
ząb / zęby
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tooth / teeth
stopa / stopy
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foot / feet
kobieta / kobiety
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woman / women
mężczyzna / mężczyźni
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man / men
ryby - wiele gatunków
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ryby jeden gatunek
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fish / fish
tuńczyk / tuńczyki
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tuna / tuna
krysys / kryzysy
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crisis / crises
analiza / analizy
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analysis / analyses
teza / tezy
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thesis / theses
wół / woły
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ox / oxen
bracia zakonni
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kaktus / kaktusy, kaktusy
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cactus / cacti, cactuses
grzyb / grzyby
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fungus / fungi
bakteria / bakterie
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bacterium / bacteria
kryterium / kryteria
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criterion / criteria
zjawisko / zjawiska
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phenomenon / phenomena
kto jak kto, ale ja akurat wiem...
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I of all people know
Wyjątek 1 ludzie: oficjalnie ludzie
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Wyjatek 2 ludzie: zagienieni ludzie
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missing persons
Wyjatki z ludzie 3: oznacza plemiona, ludy w liczbie mnogiej
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jestes dobrym człowiekiem
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You are good people.
osoba która lubi ludzi
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A people person
osoba / ludzie
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person / people
kobieta / kobiety
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woman / women
l. mnoga dodajemy...
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końcówkę „s”
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końcówka „s” w słowie więc dodajemy...
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„es” np. bus —> buses
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start learning
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pianino / pianina
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piano / pianoes
jeśli coś jest syczące dodajemy...
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„es” na koniec
klucz / klucze
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key / keys
chlopiec / chłopcy
start learning
boy / boyes
dzień / dni
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day / days
pani / panie
start learning
lady / ladies

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