Italian sentences from Tatoeba 2

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That's ugly.
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È brutto.
There he is.
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They burned.
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Sono bruciati.
They danced.
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Hanno ballato.
They got up.
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Si sono alzati.
They smiled.
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They waited.
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Hanno aspettato.
They walked.
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They yelled.
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They're bad.
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Sono cattivi.
They're new.
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Sono nuovi.
They're old.
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Sono vecchi.
This is Tom.
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Questo è Tom.
This is bad.
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Questo è cattivo.
This is ice.
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Questo è ghiaccio.
This is new.
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Questo è nuovo.
This stinks.
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Questo puzza.
Tom blinked.
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Tom ha fatto un occhiolino.
Tom blushed.
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Tom è arrossito.
Tom changed.
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Tom è cambiato.
Tom cheated.
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Tom ha imbrogliato.
Tom cheered.
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Tom applaudì.
Tom clapped.
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Tom ha applaudito.
Tom coughed.
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Tom tossì.
Tom drowned.
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Tom è annegato.
Tom escaped.
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Tom è fuggito.
Tom gave up.
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Tom si è arreso.
Tom giggled.
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Tom ha ridacchiato.
Tom got bit.
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Tom è stato morso.
Tom grinned.
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Tom sorrise.
Tom grunted.
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Tom ha grugnito.
Tom had fun.
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Tom si è divertito.
Tom inhaled.
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Tom ha inalato.
Tom is a DJ.
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Tom è un DJ.
Tom is back.
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Tom è tornato.
Tom is bald.
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Tom è pelato.
Tom is busy.
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Tom è occupato.
Tom is calm.
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Tom è calmo.
Tom is cold.
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Tom è freddo.
Tom is cool.
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Tom è cool.
Tom is dead.
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Tom è morto.
Tom is evil.
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Tom è malvagio.
Tom is fast.
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Tom è veloce.
Tom is fine.
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Tom sta bene.
Tom is full.
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Tom è pieno.
Tom is glum.
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Tom è cupo.
Tom is good.
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Tom è buono.
Tom is here.
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Tom è qui.
Tom is huge.
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Tom è enorme.
Tom is hurt.
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Tom è ferito.
Tom is kind.
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Tom è gentile.
Tom is late.
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Tom è in ritardo.
Tom is lazy.
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Tom è pigro.
Tom is lost.
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Tom è perso.
Tom is loud.
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Tom è rumoroso.
Tom is mean.
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Tom è egoista.
Tom is next.
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Tom è il prossimo.
Tom is nice.
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Tom è carino.
Tom is numb.
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Tom è insensibile.
Tom is pale.
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Tom è pallido.
Tom is poor.
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Tom è povero.
Tom is rich.
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Tom è ricco.
Tom is safe.
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Tom è al sicuro.
Tom is sick.
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Tom è malato.
Tom is sure.
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Tom è sicuro.
Tom is tall.
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Tom è alto.
Tom is thin.
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Tom è magro.
Tom is warm.
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Tom è caldo.
Tom is wary.
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Tom è diffidente.
Tom is weak.
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Tom è debole.
Tom is well.
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Tom sta bene.
Tom is wise.
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Tom è saggio.
Tom laughed.
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Tom rideva.
Tom listens.
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Tom ascolta.
Tom refused.
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Tom ha rifiutato.
Tom said no.
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Tom ha detto di no.
Tom slipped.
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Tom è scivolato.
Tom sneezed.
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Tom ha starnutito.
Tom was big.
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Tom era grosso.
Tom was sad.
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Tom era triste.
Tom will go.
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Tom andrà.
Tom'll call.
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Tom chiamerà.
Tom'll know.
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Tom lo saprà.
Tom'll quit.
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Tom abbandonerà.
Tom'll wait.
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Tom aspetterà.
Tom's alert.
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Tom è all'erta.
Tom's alive.
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Tom è vivo.
Tom's alone.
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Tom è solo.
Tom's angry.
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Tom è arrabbiato.
Tom's awake.
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Tom è sveglio.
Tom's bored.
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Tom è annoiato.
Tom's crazy.
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Tom è pazzo.
Tom's drunk.
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Tom è ubriaco.
Tom's dying.
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Tom sta morendo.
Tom's early.
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Tom è in anticipo.
Tom's flaky.
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Tom è stordito.
Tom's funny.
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Tom è divertente.
Tom's great.
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Tom è grande.
Tom's happy.
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Tom è felice.
Tom's lucky.
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Tom è fortunato.
Tom's lying.
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Tom sta mentendo.
Tom's older.
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Tom è più anziano.
Tom's pushy.
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Tom è insistente.
Tom's right.
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Tom ha ragione.
Tom's smart.
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Tom è intelligente.
Tom's sorry.
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Tom è dispiaciuto.
Tom's tipsy.
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Tom è alticcio.
Tom's tired.
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Tom è stanco.
Tom's tough.
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Tom è resistente.
Tom's upset.
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Tom è agitato.
Tom's weird.
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Tom è strano.
Tom's wrong.
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Tom ha torto.
Tom's young.
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Tom è giovane.
Turn it off.
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Walk slowly.
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Cammini lentamente.
Was I wrong?
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Mi sbagliavo?
Was it cold?
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Era freddo?
We are even.
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Siamo pari.
We are late.
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Noi siamo in ritardo.
We can hear.
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Riusciamo a sentire.
We can wait.
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Possiamo aspettare.
We know Tom.
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Conosciamo Tom.
We like Tom.
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Ci piace Tom.
We like him.
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Ci piace.
We must act.
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Dobbiamo agire.
We need you.
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Abbiamo bisogno di te.
We promised.
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Abbiamo promesso.
We remember.
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We survived!
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Siamo sopravvissuti!
We survived.
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Siamo sopravvissuti.
We'll dance.
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We'll share.
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We're broke.
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Siamo al verde.
We're dying.
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Stiamo morendo.
We're happy.
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Siamo felici.
We're sorry.
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Ci dispiace.
We're twins.
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Siamo gemelli.
What a bore!
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Che noia!
What a dump.
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Che postaccio.
What a jerk!
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Che sfigato!
What a joke!
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Che battuta!
What a mess!
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Che casino!
What a pity!
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What a team!
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Che squadra!
What's that?
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Cos'è quello?
What's this?
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Questo cos'è?
Where is he?
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Lui dov'è?
Where is it?
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Where's Tom?
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Dov'è Tom?
Who are you?
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Chi sei?
Who drew it?
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Chi l'ha disegnato?
Who gets it?
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Chi lo riceve?
Who hit Tom?
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Chi ha colpito Tom?
Who is next?
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Chi è il prossimo?
Who said it?
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Chi l'ha detto?
Who'll cook?
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Chi cucinerà?
Who's Emily?
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Chi è Emily?
Who's there?
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Chi va là?
Who's tired?
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Chi è stanco?
Whose is it?
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Di chi è?
Will he die?
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Will it fit?
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Andrà bene?
Yes, I know.
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Sì, lo so.
You are big.
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Sei grande.
You did lie.
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Hai mentito davvero.
You hurt me.
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Mi fai male.
You know it.
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Lo sai.
You made it.
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Ce l'hai fatta.
You must go.
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Devi andare.
You need us.
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Hai bisogno di noi.
You used me.
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Mi hai usato.
You're lazy.
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Sei pigro.
You're mine.
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Sei mia.
You're nuts.
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Tu diventi folle.
You're sick!
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Sei malato!
A car cut in.
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Una macchina ha tagliato la strada.
Act your age.
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Comportati coerentemente con la tua età.
Alice smiled.
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Alice ha sorriso.
All was calm.
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Tutto era calmo.
Anybody hurt?
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Qualche ferito?
Anything new?
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Niente di nuovo?
Are we alone?
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Siamo soli?
Are we broke?
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Siamo al verde?
Are we ready?
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Siamo pronti?
Are you John?
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Sei John?
Are you busy?
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Sei occupato?
Are you deaf?
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Sei sordo?
Are you home?
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Sei a casa?
Are you lost?
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Ti sei perso?
Are you sane?
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Sei sano di mente?
Are you sick?
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Sei malato?
Are you sure?
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Sei sicuro?
Are you well?
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Stai bene?
Be realistic!
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Sii realistico!
Beef, please.
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Del manzo, per favore.
Beer is beer.
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La birra è birra.
Bob can cook.
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Bob sa cucinare.
Call the FBI.
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Chiama l'FBI.
Can I finish?
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Posso finire?
Can I see it?
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Posso vederlo?
Can I try it?
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Posso provarla?
Can I use it?
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Posso usarlo?
Can we do it?
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Possiamo farlo?
Can you come?
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Puoi venire?
Can you stay?
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Puoi rimanere?
Can you swim?
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Sai nuotare?
Come at once.
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Vieni immediatamente.
Come back in.
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Torna dentro.
Come forward.
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Vieni avanti.
Come out now.
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Vieni fuori ora.
Come outside.
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Vieni fuori.
Come with me.
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Vieni con me.
Count to ten.
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Conta fino a dieci.
Did Tom call?
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Tom ha chiamato?
Did Tom help?
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Tom ha aiutato?
Did Tom know?
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Tom lo sapeva?
Did Tom pray?
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Tom ha pregato?
Did Tom swim?
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Tom ha nuotato?
Did you sign?
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Tu hai firmato?
Do I look OK?
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Sembro a posto?
Do it Monday.
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Fallo lunedì.
Do it anyway.
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Fallo in ogni caso.
Do it for me.
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Fallo per me.
Do it gently.
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Fallo con gentilezza.
Do they know?
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Lo sanno?
Do you agree?
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Sei d'accordo?
Do you dance?
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Tu balli?
Do your best!
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Fai del tuo meglio!
Do your best.
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Fai del tuo meglio.
Do your work.
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Fai il tuo lavoro.
Does it hurt?
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Fa male?
Does it work?
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Don't ask me.
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Non chiederlo a me.
Don't be coy.
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Non essere riservato.
Don't be sad.
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Non essere triste.
Don't be shy.
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Non essere timido.
Don't bother.
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Non disturbare.
Don't bug me.
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Non disturbarmi.
Don't buy it.
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Non comprarlo.
Don't get up.
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Non alzarti.
Don't hit me.
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Non colpirmi.
Drive safely.
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Guida con prudenza.
Examine them.
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Fight or die.
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Combatti o muori.
Find the cat.
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Trovate il gatto.
Get the book.
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Prendi il libro.
Get to class.
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Vai in classe.
Get to sleep.
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Vai a dormire.
Give it back.
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Give me time.
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Dammi tempo.
Go away, Tom.
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Vattene, Tom.
Go back, Tom.
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Torna indietro, Tom.
Go to school.
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Vai a scuola.
Good evening!
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Good evening.
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Good for you.
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Buon per te.
Grab a spoon.
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Prendi un cucchiaio.
Grab it, Tom.
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Afferralo, Tom.
Grow up, Joe.
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Cresci, Joe.
Grow up, Tom.
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Cresci, Tom.
Hang on, Tom.
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Rimani in linea, Tom.
Happy Easter!
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Buona Pasqua!
Has Tom left?
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Tom è partito?
Have a drink.
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Prendi qualcosa da bere.
Have a taste.
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Prendi un assaggio.
Have courage.
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Abbi coraggio.
He could die.
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Potrebbe morire.
He got angry.
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Si è arrabbiato.
He had a dog.
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Egli aveva un cane.
He has a car.
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Ha una macchina.
He has a dog.
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Ha un cane.
He helps her.
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La aiuta.
He is French.
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È francese.
He is a poet.
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Lui è un poeta.
He is eating.
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Sta mangiando.
He is heroic.
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È eroico.
He just left.
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È appena andato via.
He likes tea.
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Gli piace il tè.
He lost face.
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Ha perso la faccia.
He loved her.
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He loves her.
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La ama.
He needs you.
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Ha bisogno di te.
He runs fast.
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Corre veloce.
He was alone.
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Era solo.
He was ready.
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Era pronto.
He was young.
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Era giovane.
He will come.
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He will walk.
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He's a bigot.
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È un bigotto.
He's a ninja.
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È un ninja.
He's jealous.
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È geloso.
He's married.
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È sposato.
He's out now.
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È fuori ora.
He's so cute.
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È così carino.
He's too old.
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È troppo anziano.
Help Tom out.
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Aiuta Tom.
Help me, Tom.
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Aiutami, Tom.
Help us, Tom.
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Aiutaci, Tom.
Here's a pen.
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Ecco una penna.
Hey, it's me.
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Hey, sono io.
Hey, wake up!
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Hey, svegliati!
How annoying!
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Che fastidioso!
How did I do?
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Come sono andato?
How exciting!
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Com'è emozionante!
How's school?
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Come va la scuola?
I admire you.
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Ti ammiro.
I always try.
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Provo sempre.
I am Chinese.
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Sono cinese.
I am Italian.
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Io sono italiano.
I am a woman.
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Sono una donna.
I am at home.
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Sono a casa.
I am baffled.
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Sono sconcertato.
I am curious.
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Sono curioso.
I am married.
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Sono sposato.
I am praying.
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Sto pregando.
I am so sick.
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Sono così malato.
I am thirsty.
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Ho sete.
I am working.
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Sto lavorando.
I ate apples.
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Ho mangiato delle mele.
I ate caviar.
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Ho mangiato del caviale.
I believe it.
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Ci credo.
I bit my lip.
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Mi sono morso il labbro.
I burp a lot.
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Rutto molto.
I called Tom.
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Ho chiamato Tom.
I can manage.
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Ce la posso fare.
I can't sing.
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Non so cantare.
I could help.
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Potrei aiutare.
I could walk.
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Potrei camminare.
I deserve it.
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Me lo merito.
I do hope so.
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Spero proprio di sì.
I do my best.
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Faccio del mio meglio.
I do want it.
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Sì che lo voglio.
I don't bite.
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Non mordo.
I don't care.
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Non mi importa.
I don't know.
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Non so.
I don't mind.
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Non mi importa.
I drank milk.
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Ho bevuto del latte.
I feel alive.
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Mi sento vivo.
I feel happy.
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Mi sento felice.
I found Tony.
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Ho trovato Tony.
I go to work.
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Vado al lavoro.
I got caught.
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Sono stato preso.
I got dumped.
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Sono stato scaricato.
I got hungry.
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Mi è venuta fame.
I got scared.
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Mi sono spaventato.
I hate beans.
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Detesto i fagioli.
I hate opera.
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Odio l'opera.
I hate sushi.
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Odio il sushi.
I have a car.
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Ho una macchina.
I have a cat.
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Ho un gatto.
I have a dog.
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Ho un cane.
I have a gun.
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Ho una pistola.
I have a pen.
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Ho una penna.
I have a son.
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Ho un figlio.
I have money.
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Ho i soldi.
I have needs.
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Ho dei bisogni.
I have plans.
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Ho dei piani.
I have proof.
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Ho delle prove.
I have to go.
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Devo andare.
I hear music.
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Ascolto della musica.
I heard that.
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Ho sentito quello.
I helped Tom.
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Ho aiutato Tom.
I helped out.
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Ho aiutato.
I honor that.
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Lo onoro.
I just moved.
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Mi sono appena trasferito.
I know a way.
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Conosco un percorso.
I let him go.
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Lo lascio andare.
I like China.
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Mi piace la Cina.
I like beans.
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Mi piacciono i fagioli.
I like bread.
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Mi piace il pane.
I like girls.
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Mi piacciono le ragazze.
I like honey.
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Il miele mi piace.
I like pizza.
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Mi piace la pizza.
I like sushi.
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Mi piace il sushi.
I like women.
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Mi piacciono le donne.
I liked Tony.
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Mi piaceva Tony.
I live alone.
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Vivo da solo.
I lost a bet.
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Ho perso una scommessa.
I love books.
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Amo i libri.
I love chili.
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Amo il chili.
I love music.
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Amo la musica.
I love pizza.
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Amo la pizza.
I love trips.
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Amo i viaggi.
I made plans.
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Ho preparato dei piani.
I might stay.
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Potrei rimanere.
I miss Italy.
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Mi manca l'Italia.
I missed Tom.
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Mi è mancato Tom.
I missed you.
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Mi sei mancato.
I must leave.
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Devo partire.
I must study.
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Devo studiare.
I need a bag.
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Mi serve una borsa.
I need a cab.
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Mi serve un taxi.
I need a car.
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Mi serve una macchina.
I need a hug.
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Ho bisogno di un abbraccio.
I need a job.
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Ho bisogno di un lavoro.
I need a map.
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Ho bisogno di una cartina.
I need a nap.
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Ho bisogno di un pisolino.
I need money.
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Ho bisogno di soldi.
I need sleep.
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Ho bisogno di dormire.
I need space.
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Ho bisogno di spazio.
I need sugar.
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Mi serve dello zucchero.
I need water.
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Mi serve dell'acqua.
I phoned him.
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Gli telefonai.
I play piano.
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Suono il pianoforte.
I read a lot.
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Leggo molto.
I read books.
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Ho letto dei libri.
I see a book.
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Vedo un libro.
I see a lion.
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Vedo un leone.
I see a rose.
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Vedo una rosa.
I sell shoes.
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Vendo scarpe.
I teach here.
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Insegno qui.
I took risks.
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Ho corso dei rischi.
I tried hard.
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Ho provato duramente.
I understand.
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I understood.
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Ho capito.
I want a dog.
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Voglio un cane.
I want a fan.
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Voglio un ventilatore.
I want a lot.
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Voglio molto.
I want money.
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Voglio dei soldi.
I want proof.
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Voglio delle prove.
I want tacos.
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Voglio dei tacos.
I want these.
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Voglio questi.
I want to go.
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Voglio andare.
I warned Tom.
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Ho avvisato Tom.
I warned you.
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Io ti avevo avvisato.
I was afraid.
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Avevo paura.
I was hiding.
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Mi stavo nascondendo.
I was hungry.
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Avevo fame.
I was joking.
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Stavo scherzando.
I was scared.
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Ero spaventato.
I was sleepy.
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Avevo sonno.
I was strong.
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Ero forte.
I was stupid.
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Ero stupido.
I will shoot.
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I won't bite.
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Non morderò.
I won't come.
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Non verrò.
I won't lose!
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Non perderò!
I won't tell.
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Non lo dirò.
I wrote that.
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Ho scritto quello.
I'll ask Tom.
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Chiederò a Tom.
I'll be back.
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I'll be fine.
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Starò bene.
I'll be good.
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Sarò buono.
I'll be here.
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Sarò qui.
I'll be nice.
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Sarò gentile.
I'll do that.
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Farò quello.
I'll do this.
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Farò questo.
I'll find it.
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Lo troverò.
I'll get ice.
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Prenderò del ghiaccio.
I'll get one.
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Ne prenderò uno.
I'll go back.
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Tornerò indietro.
I'll go home.
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Andrò a casa.
I'll go look.
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Andrò a vedere.
I'll keep it.
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Lo terrò.
I'll make it.
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Ce la farò.
I'll pay you.
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Ti pagherò.
I'll sue you.
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Ti farò causa.
I'm Tom's ex.
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Sono l'ex di Tom.
I'm a client.
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Sono un cliente.
I'm a coward.
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Sono un codardo.
I'm a doctor.
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Io sono un dottore.
I'm a farmer.
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Sono un contadino.
I'm a genius.
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Sono un genio.
I'm all ears.
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Sono tutto orecchie.
I'm athletic.
start learning
Sono atletico.
I'm bleeding.
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Sto sanguinando.
I'm bluffing.
start learning
Sto bluffando.
I'm busy now.
start learning
Adesso sono impegnato.
I'm confused.
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Sono confuso.
I'm creative.
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Sono creativo.
I'm cultured.
start learning
Sono colto.
I'm decisive.
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Sono deciso.
I'm diligent.
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Sono diligente.
I'm discreet.
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Sono riservato.
I'm divorced.
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Sono divorziato.
I'm doing OK.
start learning
Sto bene.
I'm eighteen.
start learning
Ho diciott'anni.
I'm faithful.
start learning
Sono fedele.
I'm famished.
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Sono affamato.
I'm fine now.
start learning
Sto bene ora.
I'm finished.
start learning
Ho finito.
I'm flexible.
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Sono flessibile.
I'm for that.
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Sono a favore.
I'm free now.
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Sono libero ora.
I'm freezing.
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Sto congelando.
I'm here now.
start learning
Sono qui ora.
I'm homesick.
start learning
Ho nostalgia di casa.
I'm in India.
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Sono in India.
I'm in Paris.
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Sono a Parigi.
I'm in Perth.
start learning
Sono a Perth.
I'm innocent.
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Sono innocente.
I'm mistaken.
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Mi sbaglio.
I'm not busy.
start learning
Non sono occupato.
I'm not cool.
start learning
Non sono figo.
I'm not dead.
start learning
Non sono morto.
I'm not deaf.
start learning
Non sono sordo.
I'm not home.
start learning
Non sono a casa.
I'm not hurt.
start learning
Non sono ferito.
I'm not poor.
start learning
Non sono povero.
I'm not sick.
start learning
Non sono malato.
I'm not ugly.
start learning
Non sono brutto.
I'm not well.
start learning
Non sto bene.
I'm restless.
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Sono inquieto.
I'm so happy.
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Sono così felice.
I'm so sorry.
start learning
Mi dispiace tanto.
I'm so tired!
start learning
Come sono stanco!
I'm standing.
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Sono in piedi.
I'm starving!
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Muoio di fame!
I'm starving.
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Sto morendo di fame.
I'm the boss.
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Sono il capo.
I'm tired now
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Sono stanco ora.
I'm very fat.
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Sono molto grasso.
I'm very hot.
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Ho molto caldo.
I'm very shy.
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Sono molto timido.
I'm with NTT.
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Lavoro con l'NTT.
I've lost it.
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L'ho perso.
Iron is hard.
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Il ferro è duro.
Is Bob right?
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Bob ha ragione?
Is Tom awake?
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Tom è sveglio?
Is Tom crazy?
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Tom è pazzo?
Is Tom drunk?
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Tom è ubriaco?
Is Tom ready?
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Tom è pronto?
Is it a joke?
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È uno scherzo?
Is it cancer?
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È cancro?
Is it cloudy?
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È nuvolo?
Is it enough?
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È sufficiente?
Is that okay?
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Quello va bene?
Is that real?
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È vero?
Is that true?
start learning
È vero?
Is this love?
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È questo amore?
Is this real?
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Questo è vero?
Is this tofu?
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Questo è tofu?
Is this true?
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Questo è vero?
It has begun.
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È iniziato.
It is a book.
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È un libro.
It is a song.
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È una canzone.
It is my cat.
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È il mio gatto.
It is my dog.
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È il mio cane.
It is not so.
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Non è così.
It isn't new.
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Non è nuovo.
It was Tom's.
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Era di Tom.
It was awful.
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È stato terribile.
It was night.
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Era notte.
It was pizza.
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Era pizza.
It was vague.
start learning
Era vago.
It was weird.
start learning
Era strano.
It wasn't us.
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Non eravamo noi.
It will heal.
start learning
It works now.
start learning
Ora va.
It's a curse.
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È una maledizione.
It's a shame.
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È un peccato.
It's at home.
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È a casa.
It's for Tom.
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È per Tom.
It's garbage.
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È spazzatura.
It's hailing.
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Sta grandinando.
It's hearsay.
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È un pettegolezzo.
It's missing.
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È assente.
It's morning.
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È mattina.
It's my book.
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È il mio libro.
It's my turn.
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È il mio turno.
It's no joke.
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Non è uno scherzo.
It's nothing.
start learning
Non è niente.
It's obvious.
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È ovvio.
It's perfect.
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È perfetto.
It's raining.
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Sta piovendo.
It's snowing.
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It's so easy.
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È così semplice.
It's strange.
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È strano.
It's suicide.
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È un suicidio.
It's the law.
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È la legge.
It's too big.
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È troppo grande.
It's too hot.
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C'è troppo caldo.
It's useless.
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È inutile.
I’m Korean.
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Sono coreano.
Just be calm.
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Sii calmo e basta.
Just say yes.
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Di' solo di sì.
Keep driving.
start learning
Continua a guidare.
Keep looking.
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Continua a guardare.
Keep walking.
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Continua a camminare.
Keep working.
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Continua a lavorare.
Ken is happy.
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Ken è felice.
Ladies first.
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Prima le signore.
Let Tom know.
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Fallo sapere a Tom.
Let Tom live.
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Lascia vivere Tom.
Let her talk.
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Lasciala parlare.
Let him talk.
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Lascialo parlare.
Let me think.
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Lasciami pensare.
Let's go out.
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Let's not go.
start learning
Non andiamo!
Let's review.
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Let's see it.
start learning
Life goes on.
start learning
La vita continua.
Life is hard.
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La vita è dura.
Life's short.
start learning
La vita è breve.
Listen to me.
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Mary came in.
start learning
Mary è entrata.
Mary giggled.
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Mary ha ridacchiato.
Mary is tall.
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Maria è alta.
May I try it?
start learning
Posso provarlo?
Meat, please.
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Carne, per favore.
My arm hurts.
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Mi fa male il braccio.
My eyes hurt!
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Mi fanno male gli occhi!
My eyes hurt.
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Mi fanno male gli occhi.
My feet hurt.
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Mi fanno male i piedi.
No one knows.
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Nessuno sa.
OK. Go ahead.
start learning
OK. Procedi.
Play it cool.
start learning
Fai il distaccato.
See you at 7.
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Ci vediamo alle 7.
See you soon!
start learning
A presto!
She is Betty.
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Lei è Betty.
She is eight.
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Ha otto anni.
She is happy.
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È felice.
She is lucky.
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È fortunata.
She knows me.
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Mi conosce.
She loves me.
start learning
Mi ama.
She may come.
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È possibile che venga.
She went out.
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È uscita.
She's stupid.
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È stupida.
Sit down now.
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Siediti ora.
Someone came.
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È venuto qualcuno.
Stay focused.
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Stai concentrato.
Stay with us.
start learning
Resta con noi.
Stop arguing.
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Smettila di litigare.
Stop filming.
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Smettete di filmare.
Stop gawking.
start learning
Basta fissare con uno sguardo intontito.
Stop reading.
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Smettete di leggere.
Stop smoking.
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Smettila di fumare.
Stop talking.
start learning
Basta parlare.
Stop the car.
start learning
Ferma la macchina.
Sweet dreams!
start learning
Sogni d'oro!
Take a break.
start learning
Fai una pausa.
Take command.
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Prendi il comando.
Take control.
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Prendi il controllo.
Take it easy!
start learning
Take it easy.
start learning
Stai tranquillo.
Tell us more.
start learning
Dicci di più.
That is mine.
start learning
Quello è mio.
That was Tom.
start learning
Era Tom.
That'll help.
start learning
That'll last.
start learning
That'll pass.
start learning
Quello passerà.
That'll work.
start learning
That's cruel.
start learning
È crudele.
That's great!
start learning
È grande!
That's great.
start learning
È meraviglioso.
That's my CD.
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Quello è il mio CD.
That's right!
start learning
È vero!
That's right.
start learning
È giusto.
That's silly.
start learning
È sciocco.
That's sweet.
start learning
È dolce.
That's weird.
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È strano.
That's wrong.
start learning
È sbagliato.
There's time.
start learning
C'è tempo.
They approve.
start learning
They are big.
start learning
Sono grandi.
They gave up.
start learning
Si sono arresi.
They know me.
start learning
Mi conoscono.
They know us.
start learning
Ci conoscono.
They love me.
start learning
Mi amano.
They refused.
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Hanno rifiutato.
They relaxed.
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Sono rilassati.
They shot me.
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Mi hanno sparato.
They stopped.
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Si fermarono.
They sweated.
start learning
Hanno sudato.
They want me.
start learning
Mi vogliono.
They'll call.
start learning
They'll come.
start learning
They'll wait.
start learning
They're back.
start learning
Sono tornati.
They're boys.
start learning
Sono ragazzi.
They're busy.
start learning
Sono impegnati.
They're cops.
start learning
Sono poliziotti.
They're cute.
start learning
Sono carini.
They're dead.
start learning
Sono morti.
They're eggs.
start learning
Sono uova.
They're evil.
start learning
Sono malvagi.
They're fake.
start learning
Sono finti.
They're fast.
start learning
Sono veloci.
They're fine.
start learning
Stanno bene.
They're free.
start learning
Sono liberi.
They're gone.
start learning
Sono andati.
They're good.
start learning
Sono buoni.
They're home.
start learning
Sono a casa.
They're kids.
start learning
Sono bambini.
They're late.
start learning
Sono in ritardo.
They're lost.
start learning
Sono persi.
They're mine.
start learning
Sono miei.
They're nice.
start learning
Sono gentili.
They're rich.
start learning
Sono ricchi.
They're safe.
start learning
Sono al sicuro.
They're ugly.
start learning
Sono brutti.
They're weak.
start learning
Sono deboli.
They've gone.
start learning
Sono andati.
They've left.
start learning
Sono partiti.
Things break.
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Le cose si rompono.
This is easy.
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È facile.
This is gold.
start learning
Questo è oro.
This is tofu.
start learning
Questo è tofu.
This'll help.
start learning
Questo aiuterà.
This'll work.
start learning
Questo funzionerà.
Tom answered.
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Tom ha risposto.
Tom approved.
start learning
Tom ha approvato.
Tom broke in.
start learning
Tom ha fatto irruzione.
Tom broke it.
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Tom l'ha rotto.
Tom can cook.
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Tom sa cucinare.
Tom can help.
start learning
Tom può aiutare.
Tom can swim.
start learning
Tom sa nuotare.
Tom can talk.
start learning
Tom sa parlare.
Tom can walk.
start learning
Tom sa camminare.
Tom did that.
start learning
Tom ha fatto quello.
Tom enlisted.
start learning
Tom si è arruolato.
Tom felt bad.
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Tom si è sentito male.
Tom felt sad.
start learning
Tom si sentiva triste.
Tom found it.
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Tom l'ha trovato.
Tom got home.
start learning
Tom è arrivato a casa.
Tom got shot.
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Hanno sparato a Tom.
Tom got sick.
start learning
Tom si è ammalato.
Tom grumbled.
start learning
Tom borbottò.
Tom has died.
start learning
Tom è morto.
Tom hates it.
start learning
Tom lo odia.
Tom hates me.
start learning
Tom mi odia.
Tom is a spy.
start learning
Tom è una spia.
Tom is awake.
start learning
Tom è sveglio.
Tom is blind.
start learning
Tom è cieco.
Tom is brave.
start learning
Tom è coraggioso.
Tom is drunk.
start learning
Tom è ubriaco.
Tom is dying.
start learning
Tom sta morendo.
Tom is first.
start learning
Tom è il primo.
Tom is funny.
start learning
Tom è divertente.
Tom is going.
start learning
Tom sta andando.
Tom is great.
start learning
Tom è grande.
Tom is happy.
start learning
Tom è felice.
Tom is harsh.
start learning
Tom è duro.
Tom is lucky.
start learning
Tom è fortunato.
Tom is lying.
start learning
Tom sta mentendo.
Tom is naive.
start learning
Tom è ingenuo.
Tom is pudgy.
start learning
Tom è cicciottello.
Tom is quiet.
start learning
Tom è tranquillo.
Tom is ready.
start learning
Tom è pronto.
Tom is right.
start learning
Tom ha ragione.
Tom is short.
start learning
Tom è basso.
Tom is silly.
start learning
Tom è sciocco.
Tom is small.
start learning
Tom è piccolo.
Tom is smart.
start learning
Tom è intelligente.
Tom is sorry.
start learning
Tom è dispiaciuto.
Tom is there.
start learning
Tom è lì.
Tom is tired.
start learning
Tom è stanco.
Tom is wrong.
start learning
Tom ha torto.
Tom knows me.
start learning
Tom mi conosce.
Tom likes me.
start learning
Piaccio a Tom.
Tom listened.
start learning
Tom ascoltava.
Tom needs it.
start learning
Tom ne ha bisogno.
Tom needs me.
start learning
Tom ha bisogno di me.
Tom needs us.
start learning
Tom ha bisogno di noi.
Tom resigned.
start learning
Tom ha dato le dimissioni.
Tom saw them.
start learning
Tom li ha visti.
Tom screamed.
start learning
Tom ha urlato.
Tom survived.
start learning
Tom è sopravvissuto.
Tom wants it.
start learning
Tom lo vuole.
Tom was cold.
start learning
Tom era freddo.
Tom was home.
start learning
Tom era a casa.
Tom was kind.
start learning
Tom era gentile.
Tom was shot.
start learning
Tom è stato colpito.
Tom will die.
start learning
Tom morirà.
Tom will pay.
start learning
Tom pagherà.
Tom will try.
start learning
Tom proverà.
Tom will win.
start learning
Tom vincerà.
Tom's a dope.
start learning
Tom è un imbecille.
Tom's afraid.
start learning
Tom ha paura.
Tom's amused.
start learning
Tom è divertito.
Tom's asleep.
start learning
Tom sta dormendo.
Tom's coming.
start learning
Tom sta venendo.
Tom's crying.
start learning
Tom sta piangendo.
Tom's eating.
start learning
Tom sta mangiando.
Tom's famous.
start learning
Tom è famoso.
Tom's filthy.
start learning
Tom è sporco.
Tom's greedy.
start learning
Tom è avaro.
Tom's groggy.
start learning
Tom è barcollante.
Tom's guilty.
start learning
Tom è colpevole.
Tom's hungry.
start learning
Tom ha fame.
Tom's insane.
start learning
Tom è malato di mente.
Tom's joking.
start learning
Tom sta scherzando.
Tom's lonely.
start learning
Tom è solo.
Tom's polite.
start learning
Tom è educato.
Tom's scared.
start learning
Tom è spaventato.
Tom's silent.
start learning
Tom è silenzioso.
Tom's skiing.
start learning
Tom sta sciando.
Tom's so old.
start learning
Tom è così anziano.
Tom's stoned.
start learning
Tom è fatto.
Tom's strict.
start learning
Tom è rigido.
Tom's strong.
start learning
Tom è forte.
Tom's stupid.
start learning
Tom è stupido.
Tom's thirty.
start learning
Tom ha trent'anni.
Tom's uneasy.
start learning
Tom è inquieto.
Tom's unsure.
start learning
Tom è insicuro.
Tom's wasted.
start learning
Tom è sprecato.
Tom's wicked.
start learning
Tom è cattivo.
Try it again.
start learning
Provaci ancora.
Try that one.
start learning
Prova quello.
Try the cake.
start learning
Prova la torta.
Try to focus.
start learning
Prova a concentrarti.
Try to guess.
start learning
Prova a indovinare.
Turn it down.
start learning
start learning
Wait for Tom.
start learning
Aspettate Tom.
Wait outside.
start learning
Aspetta fuori.
Wake them up.
start learning
Wake up, Tom.
start learning
Svegliati, Tom.
Wash the car.
start learning
Lava la macchina.
We apologize.
start learning
Ci scusiamo.
We are Arabs.
start learning
Siamo arabi.
We are happy.
start learning
Siamo felici.
We eat early.
start learning
Mangiamo presto.
We got ready.
start learning
Ci siamo preparati.
We had lunch.
start learning
Abbiamo pranzato.
We hired Tom.
start learning
Abbiamo assunto Tom.
We loved Tom.
start learning
Amavamo Tom.
We need help.
start learning
Abbiamo bisogno di aiuto.
We need rain.
start learning
Abbiamo bisogno della pioggia.
We need them.
start learning
Abbiamo bisogno di loro.
We never met.
start learning
Non ci siamo mai incontrati.
We overslept.
start learning
Abbiamo dormito troppo.
We succeeded!
start learning
Ce l'abbiamo fatta!
We succeeded.
start learning
Abbiamo avuto successo.
We surrender.
start learning
Ci arrendiamo.
We trust him.
start learning
Ci fidiamo di lui.
We were hurt.
start learning
Eravamo feriti.
We'll follow.
start learning
We'll manage.
start learning
Ci riusciremo.
We're a team.
start learning
Siamo una squadra.
We're better.
start learning
Stiamo meglio.
We're honest.
start learning
Siamo onesti.
We're losers.
start learning
Siamo dei perdenti.
We're models.
start learning
Siamo modelli.
We're trying.
start learning
Stiamo provando.
Welcome home.
start learning
Benvenuto a casa.
What a loser!
start learning
Che perdente!
What a nerve!
start learning
Che nervi!
What a phony!
start learning
Che ipocrita!
What a shame!
start learning
Che vergogna!
What a waste!
start learning
Che spreco!
What bit you?
start learning
Cosa ti ha morso?
What is that?
start learning
Cos'è quello?
What's wrong?
start learning
Cosa c'è che non va?
Where is Jim?
start learning
Dov'è Jim?
Where is Tom?
start learning
Dov'è Tom?
Where is she?
start learning
Who are they?
start learning
Chi sono loro?
Who broke it?
start learning
Chi l'ha rotto?
Who built it?
start learning
Chi l'ha costruito?
Who did this?
start learning
Chi ha fatto questo?
Who has come?
start learning
Chi è venuto?
Who is Emily?
start learning
Chi è Emily?
Who will win?
start learning
Chi vincerà?
Who'll drive?
start learning
Chi guiderà?
Who's coming?
start learning
Chi viene?
Who's hungry?
start learning
Chi ha fame?
Why not both?
start learning
Perché non entrambi?
Will Tom die?
start learning
Tom morirà?
Will he live?
start learning
Wish me luck.
start learning
Augurami buona fortuna.
Won't you go?
start learning
Non andrai?
Years passed.
start learning
Gli anni passarono.
You amuse me.
start learning
Mi diverti.
You are good.
start learning
È buona.
You are late.
start learning
Sei in ritardo.
You are rich.
start learning
Sei ricco.
You are rude.
start learning
Sei maleducato.
You can rest.
start learning
Puoi riposarti.
You did that.
start learning
Hai fatto quello.
You go first.
start learning
Vada per primo.
You know her.
start learning
La conosci.
You may stay.
start learning
Puoi restare.
You may swim.
start learning
Puoi nuotare.
You scare me.
start learning
Mi spaventi.
You will eat.
start learning
You will see.
start learning
You're crazy.
start learning
Tu diventi folle.
You're cruel.
start learning
Tu sei crudele.
You're early.
start learning
Sei in anticipo.
You're fired.
start learning
Sei licenziato.
You're fools.
start learning
Siete folli.
You're great.
start learning
Sei grande.
You're lying.
start learning
Stai mentendo.
You're moody.
start learning
Sei di cattivo umore.
You're right.
start learning
Hai ragione.
You're smart.
start learning
Sei intelligente.
You're timid.
start learning
Sei timido.
You're weird.
start learning
È strano.
You're wrong.
start learning
Ti sbagli.
A car hit Tom.
start learning
Una macchina ha colpito Tom.
A car went by.
start learning
È passata una macchina.
Allan left us.
start learning
Allan ci ha lasciati.
Am I dreaming?
start learning
Sogno o son desto?
Am I mistaken?
start learning
Mi sono sbagliato?
Am I slipping?
start learning
Sto scivolando?
Any questions?
start learning
Are they busy?
start learning
Sono occupate?
Are they dead?
start learning
Sono morti?
Are they here?
start learning
Sono qui?
Are they tall?
start learning
Sono alti?
Are you a cop?
start learning
Sei un poliziotto?
Are you alive?
start learning
Sei vivo?
Are you alone?
start learning
Sei solo?
Are you awake?
start learning
Sei sveglio?
Are you blind?
start learning
Sei cieco?
Are you bored?
start learning
Sei annoiato?
Are you crazy?
start learning
Sei pazzo?
Are you drunk?
start learning
Sei sbronzo?
Are you happy?
start learning
Sei felice?
Are you ready?
start learning
Sei pronto?
Are you there?
start learning
Sei lì?
Are you tired?
start learning
Sei stanco?
Be a good boy.
start learning
Sii un bravo ragazzo.
Be respectful.
start learning
Sii rispettoso.
Bob helped me.
start learning
Bob mi ha aiutato.
Both sat down.
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Entrambi si sono seduti.
Bring the key.
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Porta la chiave.
Cain was evil.
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Caino fu malvagio.
Call security!
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Chiama la sicurezza!
Can I come in?
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Posso entrare?
Can you drive?
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Sapete guidare?
Check, please.
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Il conto, per favore.
Come meet Tom.
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Vieni a conoscere Tom.
Come on, Bill.
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Avanti, Bill.
Come on, Jiro.
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Avanti, Jiro.
Come on, Tony.
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Dai, Tony.
Cook the rice.
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Cuoci il riso.
Could it work?
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Potrebbe funzionare?
Did I do that?
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Ho fatto quello?
Did Tom crash?
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Tom si è schiantato?
Did Tom do it?
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L'ha fatto Tom?
Did Tom drown?
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Tom è annegato?
Did Tom faint?
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Tom è svenuto?
Did Tom laugh?
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Tom ha riso?
Did Tom leave?
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Tom è partito?
Did you do it?
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L'avete fatto?
Did you speak?
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Hai parlato?
Do I know him?
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Lo conosco?
Do be careful.
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Fai davvero attenzione.
Do it at once.
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Fallo immediatamente.
Do the dishes.
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Lava i piatti.
Do you follow?
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Do you object?
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Do you see me?
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Mi vedi?
Does Tom know?
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Tom lo sa?
Dogs can swim.
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I cani possono nuotare.
Don't be late.
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Non fare tardi.
Don't call me.
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Non chiamarmi.
Don't go away.
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Non andartene.
Don't go home.
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Non andare a casa.
Don't hate me.
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Non odiarmi.
Don't lose it.
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Non perderlo.
Don't push me.
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Non spingermi.
Don't respond.
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Non rispondere.
Draw a circle.
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Disegna un cerchio.
Drop your gun!
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Molla la tua pistola!
Dry your eyes.
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Asciugati gli occhi.
Eat and drink.
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Mangia e bevi.
Eat your food.
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Mangia il tuo cibo.
Feed the bird.
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Dai da mangiare all'uccello.
Flowers bloom.
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I fiori sbocciano.
Get a move on!
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Datti una mossa!
Get back here!
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Torna qui!
Get over here.
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Vieni qui.
Get your coat.
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Prendi il tuo cappotto.
Give him time.
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Dagli tempo.
Give me those.
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Dammi quelli.
Grab the rope.
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Afferra la corda.
Have some fun.
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Have some ham.
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Prendi un po' di prosciutto.
He broke them.
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Li ha rotti.
He came first.
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È arrivato primo.
He can't swim.
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Non sa nuotare.
He did say so.
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Ha proprio detto così.
He drank beer.
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Ha bevuto della birra.
He dug a hole.
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Ha scavato un buco.
He eats a lot.
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Lui mangia molto.
He feels hurt.
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Si sente ferito.
He felt tired.
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Si sentì stanco.
He fooled her.
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L'ha ingannata.
He grows rice.
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Coltiva riso.
He has a blog.
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Ha un blog.
He has a book.
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Ha un libro.
He has a cold.
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Ha il raffreddore.
He is British.
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È britannico.
He is Spanish.
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È spagnolo.
He is a thief.
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Egli è un ladro.
He is at home.
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È a casa.
He is awesome.
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Lui è eccezionale.
He is my boss.
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È il mio capo.
He is my type!
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Lui è il mio tipo!
He is out now.
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Lui è fuori adesso.
He is reading.
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Sta leggendo.
He is running.
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Sta correndo.
He is too old.
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Lui è troppo vecchio.
He killed him.
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L'ha ucciso.
He let Tom go.
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Ha lasciato andare Tom.
He lied to us.
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Ci ha mentito.
He looks pale.
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Sembra pallido.

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