Italian sentences from Tatoeba 17

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Question Answer
Why don't you hug me?
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Perché non mi abbracci?
Why is he so popular?
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Perché è così popolare?
Why is it so popular?
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Perché è così popolare?
Why is she so silent?
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Perché è così silenziosa?
Why was Tom in there?
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Perché Tom era lì dentro?
Why won't Tom answer?
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Perché Tom non risponderà?
Why won't Tom listen?
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Perché Tom non ascolterà?
Why won't you answer?
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Perché non risponderai?
Will it snow tonight?
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Nevicherà stanotte?
Will the police come?
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Verrà la polizia?
Will there be a cake?
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Ci sarà una torta?
Will we be safe here?
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Saremo al sicuro qui?
Will you go by train?
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Andrai in treno?
Will you go with Tom?
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Andrai con Tom?
Will you wait for me?
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Mi aspetti?
Women worked at home.
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Le donne lavoravano a casa.
Won't Tom be jealous?
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Tom non sarà geloso?
Wow! Look at him eat!
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Wow! Guardalo mangiare!
Write down each word.
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Annota ogni parola.
Yaakov fed the sheep.
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Yaakov ha dato da mangiare alla pecora.
Yesterday was Sunday.
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Ieri era domenica.
Yesterday was cloudy.
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Ieri è stato nuvoloso.
You almost killed me.
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Mi hai quasi ucciso.
You already did that.
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L'ha già fatto.
You are a workaholic.
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Sei uno stacanovista.
You are irresistible.
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Sei irresistibile.
You are not a coward.
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Non sei un codardo.
You are now an adult.
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Sei un adulto ora.
You are under arrest.
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Siete in arresto.
You are very welcome.
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Sei molto gradito.
You are welcome here.
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Sei il benvenuto qui.
You can come with me.
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Puoi venire con me.
You can count on her.
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Puoi contare su di lei.
You can count on him.
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Puoi contare su di lui.
You can take a break.
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Può prendersi una pausa.
You can use this pen.
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Puoi usare questa penna.
You can't be a woman.
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Non puoi essere una donna.
You can't be serious.
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Non puoi essere serio.
You can't change Tom.
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Non puoi cambiare Tom.
You can't control me.
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Non puoi controllarmi.
You can't ignore Tom.
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Non puoi ignorare Tom.
You can't prove that.
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Non lo puoi provare.
You can't retire yet.
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Non puoi ancora andare in pensione.
You can't sleep here.
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Non puoi dormire qui.
You deserve the best.
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Ti meriti il meglio.
You did that already.
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Tu l'hai già fatto.
You didn't answer me.
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Tu non mi hai risposto.
You didn't invite me.
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Non mi hai invitato.
You don't waste time.
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Non perdi tempo.
You have my blessing.
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Hai la mia benedizione.
You have to trust me.
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Devi fidarti di me.
You killed my father.
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Hai ucciso mio padre.
You knew that, right?
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Lo sapevi, giusto?
You knew, didn't you?
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Lo sapevi, vero?
You look happy today.
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Sembri felice oggi.
You looked surprised.
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Sembravate sorpresi.
You misunderstood me.
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Mi hai frainteso.
You must not come in.
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Non devi entrare.
You seemed surprised.
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Sembravi sorpreso.
You should apologize.
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Dovresti scusarti.
You should go to bed.
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Dovresti andare a letto.
You should read this.
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Dovresti leggerlo.
You should thank him.
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Dovresti ringraziarlo.
You should work hard.
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Dovresti lavorare duramente.
You should've phoned.
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Avresti dovuto telefonare.
You weren't that bad.
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Non eri così male.
You will be punished.
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Verrai punito.
You will regret this.
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Te ne pentirai.
You'd better go home.
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Faresti meglio ad andare a casa.
You'll be quite safe.
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Sarai abbastanza al sicuro.
You're German, right?
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Sei tedesco, vero?
You're a crazy woman.
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Sei una donna pazza.
You're a filthy liar!
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Sei uno sporco bugiardo!
You're a good father.
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Sei un bravo padre.
You're a good mother.
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Sei una brava madre.
You're a little liar.
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Sei un piccolo bugiardo.
You're a true friend.
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Sei un vero amico.
You're disrespectful.
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Sei sgarbato.
You're getting worse.
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State peggiorando.
You're going too far.
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Vai troppo lontano.
You're just like Tom.
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Sei proprio come Tom.
You're no fun at all.
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Non sei per niente divertente.
You're our only hope.
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Sei la nostra unica speranza.
You're so mysterious.
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Sei così misterioso.
You're special to me.
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Sei speciale per me.
You're still smiling.
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Stai ancora sorridendo.
You're such a weirdo.
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Sei un tipo così strano.
You're such an idiot!
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Sei un tale idiota!
You're such an idiot.
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Sei un tale idiota.
You're very flexible.
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Sei molto flessibile.
You're wasting water.
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Stai sprecando dell'acqua.
You've been infected.
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Sei stato infettato.
You've been selected.
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Sei stato selezionato.
You've done it again.
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L'ha fatto ancora.
You've got a visitor.
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Hai un visitatore.
You've got my helmet.
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Hai il mio casco.
You've grown so tall.
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Sei diventato così alto.
Your answer is right.
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La tua risposta è giusta.
Your answer is wrong.
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La tua risposta è sbagliata.
Your dog is very big.
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Il tuo cane è molto grande.
Your dog is very fat.
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Il tuo cane è molto grasso.
Your door's unlocked.
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La tua porta non è chiusa a chiave.
Your mother loves me.
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Tua madre mi ama.
Your nose is running.
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Ti sta colando il naso.
Your pants are dirty.
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I tuoi pantaloni sono sporchi.
Your pulse is normal.
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Il tuo battito è normale.
Your son is a genius.
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Suo figlio è un genio.
A dolphin is a mammal.
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Il delfino è un mammifero.
A guard's been killed.
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È stata uccisa una guardia.
A house is not a home.
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Una casa non è un focolare.
A little bird told me.
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Me l'ha detto un uccellino.
A new idea came to me.
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Mi è venuta una nuova idea.
A nice room, isn't it?
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Una stanza carina, vero?
A table has four legs.
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Un tavolo ha quattro gambe.
A week has seven days.
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Una settimana ha sette giorni.
Ah is an interjection.
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Ah è un'interiezione.
All lawyers are liars.
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Tutti gli avvocati sono dei bugiardi.
All the boys ran away.
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Tutti i ragazzi corsero via.
Always tell the truth.
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Di' sempre la verità.
Am I talking too fast?
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Sto parlando troppo velocemente?
America is very large.
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L'America è molto vasta.
And now, it's my turn!
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E ora è il mio turno!
Any time will suit me.
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Mi andrà bene qualsiasi orario.
Are these your things?
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Queste sono le tue cose?
Are they all the same?
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Sono tutti uguali?
Are they done already?
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Hanno già finito?
Are they still in bed?
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Sono ancora a letto?
Are those my earrings?
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Quelli sono i miei orecchini?
Are we disturbing you?
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Ti stiamo disturbando?
Are you a drug addict?
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Sei un tossicodipendente?
Are you a new student?
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Sei un nuovo studente?
Are you an only child?
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Sei figlio unico?
Are you angry with me?
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Sei arrabbiato con me?
Are you as tall as me?
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Sei alto come me?
Are you back home now?
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Sei tornato a casa ora?
Are you expecting Tom?
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Stai aspettando Tom?
Are you feeling tired?
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Ti senti stanco?
Are you finished here?
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Hai finito qui?
Are you free tomorrow?
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Sei libero domani?
Are you getting tired?
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Ti stai stancando?
Are you hitting on me?
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Ci stai provando con me?
Are you in a bad mood?
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Sei di cattivo umore?
Are you losing weight?
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Stai perdendo peso?
Are you picking on me?
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Ci stai provando con me?
Are you sleeping, Tom?
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Stai dormendo, Tom?
Are you still at home?
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Sei ancora a casa?
Are you still married?
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Sei ancora sposato?
Are you talking to me?
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Stai parlando con me?
Are you ten years old?
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Hai dieci anni?
Aren't they Americans?
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Non sono americani?
At last, my turn came.
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Finalmente arrivò il mio turno.
At last, we were home!
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Finalmente eravamo a casa!
Bananas are delicious.
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Le banane sono deliziose.
Be kind to old people.
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Sii gentile con gli anziani.
Be quiet for a moment.
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Stai zitto un momento.
Bears can climb trees.
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Gli orsi possono arrampicarsi sugli alberi.
Betty killed everyone.
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Betty ha ucciso tutti.
Betty killed them all.
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Betty li ha uccisi tutti.
Bill has many friends.
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Bill ha molti amici.
Bill wrote the letter.
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Bill ha scritto la lettera.
Bob became a preacher.
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Bob è diventato un predicatore.
Boston is a nice city.
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Boston è una città carina.
Both claims are false.
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Entrambe le affermazioni sono false.
Both stories are true.
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Entrambe le storie sono vere.
Boxes were everywhere.
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C'erano scatole dappertutto.
Brad Pitt is an actor.
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Brad Pitt è un attore.
Business has improved.
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Gli affari sono migliorati.
Business is improving.
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Gli affari stanno migliorando.
Call Tom this evening.
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Chiama Tom stasera.
Call me at the office.
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Chiamami all'ufficio.
Can I ask you a favor?
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Posso chiederti un favore?
Can I borrow your pen?
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Posso prendere in prestito la tua biro?
Can I buy you a drink?
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Posso comprarti da bere?
Can I give you a lift?
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Posso darti un passaggio?
Can I go in there now?
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Posso entrare ora?
Can I go to my locker?
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Posso andare all'armadietto?
Can I have some water?
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Posso avere dell'acqua?
Can I have this dance?
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Posso avere questo ballo?
Can I leave a message?
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Posso lasciare un messaggio?
Can I open the window?
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Posso aprire la finestra?
Can I play you a song?
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Posso suonare una canzone per te?
Can I see you tonight?
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Possiamo vederci stasera?
Can I shake your hand?
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Posso stringerti la mano?
Can I speak with Judy?
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Posso parlare con Judy?
Can I spend the night?
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Posso passare la notte?
Can the rumor be true?
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Può essere vera la voce di corridoio?
Can we just skip that?
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Possiamo saltarlo e basta?
Can we lock this door?
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Possiamo chiudere a chiave questa porta?
Can you describe them?
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Puoi descriverli?
Can you do me a favor?
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Puoi farmi un favore?
Can you do that again?
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Puoi rifarlo?
Can you guess her age?
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Riesci a indovinare la sua età?
Can you identify them?
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Li riconosci?
Can you keep a secret?
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Sai tenere un segreto?
Can you meet me later?
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Possiamo incontrarci più tardi?
Can you open the door?
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Puoi aprire la porta?
Can you speak Chinese?
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Parlate cinese?
Can you take me there?
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Puoi portarmi lì?
Can't I come with you?
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Posso venire con te?
Can't you move faster?
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Non puoi muoverti più velocemente?
Carol's dress is long.
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Il vestito di Carol è lungo.
Cats arch their backs.
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I gatti inarcano la schiena.
Cats don't like water.
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Ai gatti non piace l'acqua.
Children love to sing.
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I bambini amano cantare.
Children need to play.
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I bambini hanno bisogno di giocare.
Coffee keeps me awake.
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Il caffè mi mantiene sveglia.
Come here and help me.
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Vieni qui e aiutami.
Come home before dark.
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Torna a casa prima che faccia buio.
Come home early, Bill.
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Torna a casa presto, Bill.
Come tomorrow morning.
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Vieni domattina.
Complete the sentence.
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Completa la frase.
Cotton sucks up water.
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Il cotone assorbe l'acqua.
Could I have a tissue?
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Potrei avere un fazzoletto di carta?
Could I use your desk?
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Potrei usare la tua scrivania?
Could we have a spoon?
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Possiamo avere un cucchiaio?
Could you do me favor?
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Potresti farmi un favore?
Could you repeat that?
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Potresti ripeterlo?
Could you talk to Tom?
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Potresti parlare con Tom?
Count from one to ten.
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Conta da uno a dieci.
Courtesy costs nothing
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La cortesia non costa niente.
Daniel got a good job.
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Daniel ha fatto un buon lavoro.
Death before dishonor!
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La morte prima del disonore!
Did I really say that?
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L'ho detto davvero?
Did anyone call me up?
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Qualcuno mi ha chiamato?
Did you buy a new car?
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Hai comprato una macchina nuova?
Did you come by train?
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Sei arrivato in treno?
Did you eat breakfast?
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Hai fatto colazione?
Did you find a doctor?
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Hai trovato un dottore?
Did you get your wish?
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Si è avverato il tuo desiderio?
Did you hear the news?
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Hai sentito le notizie?
Did you hurt yourself?
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Ti sei fatto male?
Did you know Tom well?
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Conoscevi bene Tom?
Did you miss the game?
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Ti sei perso la partita?
Did you recognize Tom?
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Hai riconosciuto Tom?
Did you say something?
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Dicevi qualcosa?
Did you see my camera?
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Hai visto la mia macchina fotografica?
Did you see my father?
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Hai visto mio padre?
Did you ski yesterday?
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Hai sciato ieri?
Did you telephone him?
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Gli hai telefonato?
Did you understand me?
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Mi hai capito?
Did you want a cookie?
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Volevi un biscottino?
Dinner is about ready.
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La cena è quasi pronta.
Do I appear that weak?
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Sembro così debole?
Do I need to add salt?
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Devo aggiungere del sale?
Do I need to say more?
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Devo dire di più?
Do not be so critical.
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Non essere così critico.
Do not open your book.
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Non aprire il tuo libro.
Do you also like jazz?
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Ti piace anche il jazz?
Do you believe in God?
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Credi in Dio?
Do you believe me now?
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Mi credi ora?
Do you ever stay home?
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Stai mai a casa?
Do you find me pretty?
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Mi trovi carina?
Do you go there often?
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Ci vai spesso?
Do you have a husband?
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Hai un marito?
Do you have a lighter?
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Hai un accendino?
Do you have a receipt?
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Hai una ricevuta?
Do you have a warrant?
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Hai un mandato?
Do you have a website?
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Hai un sito web?
Do you have any plans?
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Hai qualche piano?
Do you have earphones?
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Hai delle cuffie?
Do you have some milk?
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Hai un po' di latte?
Do you have some time?
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Hai un po' di tempo?
Do you have some wine?
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Avete un po'di vino?
Do you have to go now?
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Devi andare ora?
Do you have two books?
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Hai due libri?
Do you know Mr. Brown?
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Conosci il signor Brown?
Do you know this lady?
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Conosci questa signora?
Do you know this song?
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Conosci questa canzone?
Do you know who he is?
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Sai chi sia?
Do you know your size?
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Conosci la tua taglia?
Do you like anchovies?
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Ti piacciono le acciughe?
Do you like chocolate?
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Ti piace la cioccolata?
Do you like her songs?
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Ti piacciono le sue canzoni?
Do you like his songs?
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Ti piacciono le sue canzoni?
Do you like surprises?
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Ti piacciono le sorprese?
Do you like that song?
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Ti piace quella canzone?
Do you like the piano?
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Ti piace il piano?
Do you like to travel?
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Vi piace viaggiare?
Do you like your boss?
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Ti piace il tuo capo?
Do you live in Turkey?
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Vivi in Turchia?
Do you live near here?
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Abiti da queste parti?
Do you need more time?
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Ti serve più tempo?
Do you own a pharmacy?
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Possiedi una farmacia?
Do you really love me?
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Mi vuoi veramente bene?
Do you really want it?
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Lo vuoi veramente?
Do you speak Filipino?
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Parli il filippino?
Do you speak Japanese?
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Parli giapponese?
Do you think I'm sexy?
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Pensi che io sia sexy?
Do you think it works?
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Pensi che funzioni?
Do you use aftershave?
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Usi il dopobarba?
Do you want my advice?
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Vuoi il mio consiglio?
Do you want some help?
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Vuoi un po' di aiuto?
Do you want some soup?
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Vuoi un po' di minestra?
Do you want this back?
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Rivuoi indietro questo?
Do you want to see it?
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Lo vuoi vedere?
Do you want to try it?
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Vuoi provarlo?
Does Tom drink coffee?
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Tom beve il caffè?
Does Tom go to church?
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Tom va in chiesa?
Does Tom like his job?
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A Tom piace il suo lavoro?
Does Tom like to swim?
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A Tom piace nuotare?
Does Tom want to come?
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Tom vuole venire?
Does anybody know him?
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Qualcuno lo conosce?
Does anyone feel sick?
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Qualcuno si sente male?
Does it matter to you?
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A te importa?
Does it really matter?
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Importa davvero?
Does she have a piano?
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Ha un piano?
Does she like oranges?
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Le piacciono le arance?
Does your father work?
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Tuo padre lavora?
Doesn't anyone listen?
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Non ascolta nessuno?
Dogs often bury bones.
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I cani sotterrano spesso delle ossa.
Don't add annotations.
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Non aggiungere annotazioni.
Don't be a wallflower.
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Non essere un fiorellino.
Don't be disappointed.
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Non essere delusa.
Don't be so defensive.
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Non essere così sulla difensiva.
Don't call me a moron.
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Non chiamarmi idiota.
Don't call me anymore.
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Non chiamarmi più.
Don't call the police.
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Non chiamare la polizia.
Don't drink and drive.
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Non bere e guidare.
Don't drop that glass.
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Non fare cadere quel bicchiere.
Don't eat the oysters.
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Non mangi le ostriche.
Don't ever think that.
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Non pensarci mai.
Don't forget about us!
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Non dimenticarti di noi!
Don't forget to floss.
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Non dimenticarti di passare il filo interdentale.
Don't forget your bag.
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Non dimenticarti la borsa.
Don't get too excited.
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Non emozionarti troppo.
Don't go near the dog.
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Non avvicinarti al cane.
Don't go out with Tom.
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Non andare fuori con Tom.
Don't go too far away.
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Non andare troppo lontano.
Don't lean on my desk.
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Non appoggiarti sulla mia scrivania.
Don't leave door open.
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Non lasciare la porta aperta.
Don't let me die here.
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Non lasciarmi morire qui.
Don't let that dog go.
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Non lasciare andare il cane.
Don't open the window.
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Non aprire la finestra.
Don't open your books.
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Non aprite i vostri libri!
Don't pick up the cat.
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Non prendere in braccio il gatto.
Don't point at others.
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Non indicare gli altri.
Don't slip on the ice.
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Non scivolare sul ghiaccio.
Don't swear in public.
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Non imprecare in pubblico.
Don't take it so hard!
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Non la prendere così seriamente!
Don't talk about that.
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Non parlarne.
Don't touch my camera.
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Non toccare la mia macchina fotografica.
Don't touch that book.
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Non toccare quel libro.
Don't touch the glass.
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Non toccare il vetro.
Don't try to force it.
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Non provare a forzarlo.
Don't waste your time.
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Non sprecare il tuo tempo.
Don't you like apples?
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Non ti piacciono le mele?
Don't you play tennis?
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Non giochi a tennis?
Don’t laugh at them.
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Non ridere di loro.
Eat whatever you like.
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Mangia quel che ti piace.
Eight plus two is ten.
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Otto più due fa dieci.
Everybody has secrets.
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Tutti hanno dei segreti.
Everybody loves music.
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Tutti amano la musica.
Everyone believed Tom.
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Tutti credevano a Tom.
Everyone stared at me.
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Tutti mi fissavano.
Everyone was drinking.
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Tutti stavano bevendo.
Everyone was so happy.
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Tutti erano così felici.
Everything is perfect.
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Tutto è perfetto.
Everything is working.
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Tutto sta funzionando.
Everything's in order.
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Tutto è in ordine.
Everything's in place.
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Tutto è al suo posto.
Everything's so cheap.
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È tutto così economico.
Fasten your seat belt.
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Allaccia la cintura di sicurezza.
Find out where Tom is.
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Scopri dov'è Tom.
Finland is on the map.
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La Finlandia è sulla mappa.
Fishing is Tom's life.
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La pesca è la vita di Tom.
Follow your instincts.
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Segui i tuoi istinti.
Forgive the intrusion.
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Perdona l'intrusione.
Fortune smiled on him.
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La fortuna gli ha sorriso.
Four times five is 20.
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Quattro per cinque fa 20.
Get into your pajamas.
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Mettiti il pigiama.
Get out while you can.
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Vattene fuori finché puoi.
Get your hands off me.
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Toglimi le mani di dosso.
Give Tom some privacy.
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Dai un po' di privacy a Tom.
Give it to me, please.
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Dammelo, per favore.
God created the world.
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Dio creò il mondo.
God made the universe.
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Dio creò l'universo.
Goodbye and good luck.
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Arrivederci e buona fortuna.
Great show, wasn't it?
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Grande spettacolo, vero?
Guess where I've been.
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Indovina dove sono stato.
Guess who I saw today.
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Indovina chi ho visto oggi.
Happy Valentine's Day.
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Buon San Valentino!
Has Tom been arrested?
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Tom è stato arrestato?
Has Tom been informed?
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Tom è stato informato?
Has Tom been notified?
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Tom è stato informato?
Has Tom been released?
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Tom è stato liberato?
Has anybody been shot?
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Hanno sparato a qualcuno?
Has he worked all day?
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Ha lavorato tutto il giorno?
Has the baby woken up?
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Il bebè si è svegliato?
Has the bell rung yet?
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È già suonata la campanella?
Has the mail come yet?
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È già arrivata la posta?
Have you finished yet?
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Hai già finito?
Have you read the FAQ?
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Hai letto le domande frequenti?
Have you reconsidered?
start learning
Ci hai ripensato?
Have you seen Tom yet?
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Hai già visto Tom?
Have you seen my coat?
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Hai visto il mio cappotto?
Have you tried it yet?
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L'hai già provato?
He abandoned the plan.
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Ha abbandonato il piano.
He accepted her offer.
start learning
Ha accettato la sua offerta.
He accepted our offer.
start learning
Ha accettato la nostra offerta.
He acted as our guide.
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Ci ha fatto da guida.
He admired my new car.
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Ha ammirato la mia nuova macchina.
He also speaks French.
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Parla anche francese.
He always takes notes.
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Prende sempre appunti.
He avenged his father.
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Ha vendicato suo padre.
He became a policeman.
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È diventato un poliziotto.
He broke into a house.
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Fece irruzione in una casa.
He buys us newspapers.
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Ci compra dei giornali.
He came from far away.
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È venuto da lontano.
He came several times.
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È venuto più volte.
He can leave tomorrow.
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Può partire domani.
He can speak Japanese.
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Lui sa parlare giapponese.
He can't see nor hear.
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Non può né vedere né sentire.
He comes from England.
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Viene dall'Inghilterra.
He deals in furniture.
start learning
Tratta mobilio.
He didn't see anybody.
start learning
Non ha visto nessuno.
He does not like cats.
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Non gli piacciono i gatti.
He doesn't look happy.
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Non sembra felice.
He drinks like a fish.
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Beve come una spugna.
He drove the dog away.
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Ha cacciato via il cane.
He explained it to me.
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Me l'ha spiegato.
He followed my advice.
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Ha seguito il mio consiglio.
He gave me 10,000 yen.
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Mi ha dato 10.000 yen.
He gave me an example.
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Mi ha dato un esempio.
He gave me some money.
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Mi ha dato un po' di soldi.
He had a strong alibi.
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Aveva un alibi solido.
He had the right idea.
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Ha avuto l'idea giusta.
He has a Japanese car.
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Ha una macchina giapponese.
He has a blue coat on.
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Ha indosso un cappotto blu.
He has a drug allergy.
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È allergico alle medicine.
He has a large family.
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Ha una grande famiglia.
He has a little money.
start learning
Ha pochi soldi.
He has a lot of books.
start learning
Ha molti libri.
He has a lot of money.
start learning
Ha molti soldi.
He has a perfect body.
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Ha un corpo perfetto.
He has absolute power.
start learning
Ha potere assoluto.
He has done it before.
start learning
L'ha fatto prima.
He has just come home.
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È appena venuto a casa.
He has three brothers.
start learning
Ha tre fratelli.
He has too many books.
start learning
Ha troppi libri.
He hasn't arrived yet.
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Non è ancora arrivato.
He hit me on the head.
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Mi ha colpito sulla testa.
He ignored her advice.
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Ha ignorato il suo consiglio.
He invented the wheel.
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Ha scoperto l'acqua calda.
He is German by birth.
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È tedesco di nascita.
He is Sandayu Momochi.
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Lui è Sandayu Momochi.
He is a famous artist.
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È un artista famoso.
He is a heroin addict.
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È un eroinomane.
He is a man of action.
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È un uomo d'azione.
He is a man of wisdom.
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È un uomo saggio.
He is a self-made man.
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È un uomo che si è fatto da solo.
He is a spoiled child.
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È un bambino viziato.
He is a tennis player.
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È un giocatore di tennis.
He is afraid of death.
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Ha paura della morte.
He is always cheerful.
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È sempre gioioso.
He is always prepared.
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È sempre preparato.
He is always punctual.
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È sempre puntuale.
He is always studying.
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Sta sempre studiando.
He is an army officer.
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È un ufficiale dell'esercito.
He is an eager beaver.
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È uno sgobbone.
He is blinded by love.
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È accecato dall'amore.
He is certain to come.
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È sicuro di venire.
He is guilty of theft.
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È colpevole di furto.
He is in the bathroom.
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È in bagno.
He is like his father.
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È come suo padre.
He is mad about music.
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Va matto per la musica.
He is no longer a boy.
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Non è più un ragazzo.
He is not always late.
start learning
Non è sempre in ritardo.
He is not an American.
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Lui non è americano.
He is out of his mind.
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È fuori di testa.
He is poor, but happy.
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È povero ma felice.
He is so presumptuous.
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È così presuntuoso!
He is sure of success.
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È sicuro di riuscire.
He is sure of winning.
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È sicuro di vincere.
He is sure to succeed.
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È sicuro di riuscire.
He is tall and strong.
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Lui è alto e forte.
He is teaching Arabic.
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Sta insegnando l'arabo.
He is the tallest boy.
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È il ragazzo più alto.
He is unable to do it.
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È incapace di farlo.
He is very kind to me.
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È molto gentile con me.
He is washing his car.
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Sta lavando la sua macchina.
He is washing the car.
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Sta lavando l'auto.
He is watching TV now.
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Ora guarda la TV.
He is weak in English.
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È debole in inglese.
He is wearing glasses.
start learning
Porta gli occhiali.
He kept a seat for me.
start learning
Mi ha tenuto un posto.
He knows us very well.
start learning
Ci conosce molto bene.
He left the door open.
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Ha lasciato la porta aperta.
He lied about his age.
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Ha mentito riguardo alla sua età.
He likes Italian food.
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Gli piace il cibo italiano.
He likes ham and eggs.
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Gli piacciono il prosciutto e le uova.
He likes soccer a lot.
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Gli piace molto il calcio.
He likes taking walks.
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Gli piace fare delle passeggiate.
He likes that teacher.
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Gli piace quell'insegnante.
He looked for the key.
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Ha cercato la chiave.
He looked quite tired.
start learning
Sembrava molto stanco.
He loves taking trips.
start learning
Lui ama fare viaggi.
He married an actress.
start learning
Lui ha sposato un'attrice.
He might not be happy.
start learning
Potrebbe non essere felice.
He must be over sixty.
start learning
Dev'essere oltre la sessantina.
He must be very happy.
start learning
Dev'essere molto felice.
He never speaks to me.
start learning
Non mi parla mai.
He offered to help me.
start learning
Si è offerto di aiutarmi.
He often plays guitar.
start learning
Suona spesso la chitarra.
He picked up his toys.
start learning
Ha raccolto i suoi giocattoli.
He put the phone down.
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Ha messo giù il telefono.
He ran away from home.
start learning
Scappò di casa.
He reads a great deal.
start learning
Legge molto.
He rejected our offer.
start learning
Ha rifiutato la nostra offerta.
He said he would come.
start learning
Ha detto che sarebbe venuto.
He sat reading a book.
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Sedeva leggendo un libro.
He saved the princess.
start learning
Ha salvato la principessa.
He seems to be asleep.
start learning
Sembra che dorma.
He seems to be honest.
start learning
Sembra essere onesto.
He started a new life.
start learning
Cominciò una nuova vita.
He still writes poems.
start learning
Scrive ancora delle poesie.
He swims in the river.
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Lui nuota nel fiume.
He talked about music.
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Ha parlato di musica.
He teaches us English.
start learning
Ci insegna l'inglese.
He thinks I'm jealous.
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Pensa che sia geloso.
He threw me the apple.
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Mi gettò la mela.
He told me everything.
start learning
Mi ha detto tutto.
He took a deep breath.
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Ha fatto un respiro profondo.
He took us to the zoo.
start learning
Ci ha portati allo zoo.
He used to drink beer.
start learning
Aveva l'abitudine di bere birra.
He wants an iPad mini.
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Vuole un iPad mini.
He was a handsome man.
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Era un bell'uomo.
He was a rugby player.
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Era un giocatore di rugby.
He was about to start.
start learning
Era sul punto di cominciare.
He was almost drowned.
start learning
Era quasi annegato.
He was born in Africa.
start learning
È nato in Africa.
He was born in Mexico.
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È nato in Messico.
He was my best friend.
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Era il mio migliore amico.
He was sent to prison.
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È stato mandato in prigione.
He was sick last week.
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La settimana scorsa era malato.
He was very insistent.
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Era molto insistente.
He went back to Japan.
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È ritornato in Giappone.
He went into the bank.
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È entrato nella banca.
He will be here today.
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Sarà qui oggi.
He will get well soon.
start learning
Si riprenderà presto.
He will join us later.
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Si unirà a noi più tardi.
He won a bronze medal.
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Ha vinto una medaglia di bronzo.
He won a silver medal.
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Ha vinto una medaglia d'argento.
He won't listen to me.
start learning
Non mi ascolterà.
He works in a factory.
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Lavora in una fabbrica.
He'll rip my head off.
start learning
Mi strapperà via la testa.
He's an absolute fool.
start learning
È completamente pazzo.
He's an oceanographer.
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Lui è un oceanografo.
He's busier than Taro.
start learning
È più impegnato di Taro.
He's done this before.
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L'ha fatto prima.
He's just kidding you.
start learning
Ti sta solo prendendo in giro.
He's losing his looks.
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Non è più bello come una volta.
He's my older brother.
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È il mio fratello maggiore.
He's not a bad person.
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Non è una cattiva persona.
He's not always happy.
start learning
Non è sempre felice.
He's right behind you.
start learning
È proprio dietro di te.
He's stronger than me.
start learning
È più forte di me.
He's studying Chinese.
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Sta studiando cinese.
He's the group leader.
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Lui è il capogruppo.
He's the one I called.
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È lui che ho chiamato.
He's very intelligent.
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È molto intelligente.
Help me to understand.
start learning
Fatemi capire.
Her anger was genuine.
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La sua rabbia era autentica.
Her days are numbered.
start learning
I suoi giorni sono contati.
Her life is in danger.
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La sua vita è in pericolo.
Her parents both died.
start learning
Entrambi i suoi genitori sono morti.
Her plan is dangerous.
start learning
Il suo piano è pericoloso!
Her sweater is purple.
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Il suo maglione è viola.
Her talent is amazing.
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Il suo talento è incredibile.
Here's some deodorant.
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Ecco un po' di deodorante.
Here's your margarita.
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Ecco il tuo margarita.
Hey, where did Tom go?
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Hey, dov'è andato Tom?
His face turned white.
start learning
Il suo viso sbiancò.
His house is for sale.
start learning
La sua casa è in vendita.
His house was on fire.
start learning
La sua casa era in fiamme.
His life is in danger.
start learning
La sua vita è in pericolo.
His plan is dangerous!
start learning
Il suo piano è pericoloso!
His reply was logical.
start learning
La sua risposta era logica.
Hold the line, please.
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Rimani in linea, per favore.
How about your father?
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Che ne dici di tuo padre?
How are you all doing?
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Come state tutti?
How can I lose weight?
start learning
Come posso perdere peso?
How could you do this?
start learning
Come hai potuto fare questo?
How deep is Lake Biwa?
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Quanto è profondo il lago Biwa?
How deep is that lake?
start learning
Quanto è profondo questo lago?
How deep is this lake?
start learning
Quanto è profondo questo lago?
How did she come here?
start learning
Com'è venuta qui?
How do you feel today?
start learning
Come ti senti oggi?
How do you milk a cow?
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Come si munge una vacca?
How do you spell that?
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Come lo scrivi?
How does he know that?
start learning
Come lo sa?
How does that song go?
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Come fa quella canzone?
How does the film end?
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Come si conclude il film?
How far are you going?
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Quanto lontano andrai?
How long did you stay?
start learning
Quanto tempo sei restato?
How long does it take?
start learning
Quanto tempo dura?
How long will it last?
start learning
Quanto durerà?
How long will it take?
start learning
Quanto tempo ci vorrà?
How many did you take?
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Quanti ne hai presi?
How many did you want?
start learning
Quanti ne volevi?
How much do I owe you?
start learning
Quanto ti devo?
How much does it cost?
start learning
Quanto costa?
How much is this book?
start learning
Quanto costa questo libro?
How much should I pay?
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Quanto dovrei pagare?
How much time is left?
start learning
Quanto tempo rimane?
How old is your uncle?
start learning
Quanti anni ha tuo zio?
How was the interview?
start learning
Com'era l'intervista?
How was your birthday?
start learning
Com'è stato il tuo compleanno?
How was your vacation?
start learning
Come sono andate le tue vacanze?
How would you stop us?
start learning
Come ci fermeresti?
How's life in Germany?
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Com'è la vita in Germania?
How's the party going?
start learning
Come sta andando la festa?
How's your wife doing?
start learning
Come sta tua moglie?
I accept your apology.
start learning
Accetto le tue scuse.
I admire your courage.
start learning
Ammiro il tuo coraggio.
I agree with his plan.
start learning
Approvo il suo progetto.
I always get up early.
start learning
Mi alzo sempre presto.
I always keep my word.
start learning
Mantengo sempre la mia parola.
I always wanted a dog.
start learning
Ho sempre voluto un cane.
I am 30 years old now.
start learning
Ho 30 anni adesso.
I am allergic to cats.
start learning
Sono allergico ai gatti.
I am an honest person.
start learning
Io sono una persona onesta.
I am as strong as you.
start learning
Sono forte come te.
I am crazy about golf.
start learning
Vado pazzo per il golf.
I am fixing the clock.
start learning
Sto riparando l'orologio.
I am friends with her.
start learning
Sono suo amico.
I am heating the room.
start learning
Sto riscaldando la stanza.
I am here on business.
start learning
Sono qui per affari.
I am learning Turkish.
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Sto imparando il turco.
I am near the station.
start learning
Sono vicino alla stazione.
I am not studying now.
start learning
Non sto studiando ora.
I am playing baseball.
start learning
Sto giocando a baseball.
I am reading a letter.
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Sto leggendo una lettera.
I am shorter than you.
start learning
Sono più basso di te.
I am tired of reading.
start learning
Sono stanco di leggere.
I am too tired to run.
start learning
Sono troppo stanco per correre.
I am totally confused.
start learning
Sono completamente confuso.
I am very, very sorry.
start learning
Mi dispiace davvero molto.
I am writing a letter.
start learning
Sto scrivendo una lettera.
I appreciate the help.
start learning
Apprezzo l'aiuto.
I asked where Tom was.
start learning
Ho chiesto dov'era Tom.
I ate curry yesterday.
start learning
Ho mangiato del curry ieri.
I ate late last night.
start learning
Ho mangiato tardi ieri sera.
I bet he will get mad.
start learning
Scommetto che si arrabbierà.
I bought a glass vase.
start learning
Ho comprato un vaso di vetro.
I bought it last week.
start learning
L’ho comprato la settimana scorsa.
I bought it yesterday.
start learning
L'ho comprato ieri.
I bought this for Tom.
start learning
Ho comprato questo per Tom.
I came here yesterday.
start learning
Sono arrivato qui ieri.
I came to talk to Tom.
start learning
Sono venuto per parlare con Tom.
I can do it by myself.
start learning
Riesco a farlo da solo.
I can do it in a week.
start learning
Posso farlo in una settimana.
I can hardly hear you.
start learning
Riesco a sentirti a malapena.
I can play the guitar.
start learning
So suonare la chitarra.
I can't come tomorrow.
start learning
Non posso venire domani.
I can't come with Tom.
start learning
Non posso tornare con Tom.
I can't drink alcohol.
start learning
Non posso bere alcool.
I can't eat the apple.
start learning
Non posso mangiare la mela.
I can't find my shoes.
start learning
Non riesco a trovare le mie scarpe.
I can't find my watch.
start learning
Non riesco a trovare il mio orologio.
I can't get rid of it.
start learning
Non riesco a sbarazzarmene.
I can't hear you well.
start learning
Non riesco a sentirti bene.
I can't let him alone.
start learning
Non posso lasciarlo da solo.
I can't say I'm sorry.
start learning
Non posso dire che sono desolato.
I can't see the movie.
start learning
Non riesco a vedere il film.
I can't sell you that.
start learning
Non posso vendertelo.
I can't stand cowards.
start learning
Non tollero i codardi.
I can't steal for you.
start learning
Non posso rubare per te.
I can't stop anything.
start learning
Non posso fermare niente.
I can't stop laughing.
start learning
Non riesco a smettere di ridere.
I can't stop sneezing.
start learning
Non riesco a smettere di starnutire.
I can't trust anybody.
start learning
Non posso fidarmi di nessuno.
I can't wait to leave.
start learning
Non vedo l'ora di partire.
I can't work any more.
start learning
Non posso più lavorare.
I can't write anymore.
start learning
Non so più scrivere.
I cannot eat any more.
start learning
Non posso mangiare di più.
I carried three books.
start learning
Ho portato tre libri.
I caught them kissing.
start learning
Li ho beccati a baciarsi.
I chopped a tree down.
start learning
Ho abbattuto un albero.
I come from Australia.
start learning
Vengo dall'Australia.
I come here every day.
start learning
Vengo qui ogni giorno.
I confirmed the order.
start learning
Ho confermato l'ordine.
I could never do that.
start learning
Non potrei mai farlo.
I couldn't agree more.
start learning
Sono totalmente d'accordo.
I couldn't be happier.
start learning
Non potrei essere più felice.
I couldn't believe it.
start learning
Non ci potevo credere.
I couldn't lie to you.
start learning
Non potrei mentirti.
I did not meet anyone.
start learning
Non ho incontrato nessuno.
I did something right.
start learning
Ho fatto qualcosa di giusto.
I did something wrong.
start learning
Ho fatto qualcosa di sbagliato.
I didn't ask for help.
start learning
Non ho chiesto aiuto.
I didn't believe them.
start learning
Non gli credevo.
I didn't eat anything.
start learning
Non ho mangiato niente.
I didn't fall in love.
start learning
Non mi sono innamorato.
I didn't feed the dog.
start learning
Non ho dato da mangiare al cane.
I didn't get his joke.
start learning
Non ho colto la sua battuta.
I didn't get his name.
start learning
Non ho capito il suo nome.
I didn't like it much.
start learning
Non mi è piaciuto molto.
I didn't need to stay.
start learning
Non avevo bisogno di rimanere.
I didn't say anything.
start learning
Non ho detto niente.
I dislike being alone.
start learning
Non mi piace essere da solo.
I do feel pretty good.
start learning
Mi sento abbastanza bene.
I do not drink coffee.
start learning
Non bevo caffè.
I do not go to school.
start learning
Non vado a scuola.
I do not know exactly.
start learning
Non lo so esattamente.
I do not like science.
start learning
Non mi piace la scienza.
I don't drink alcohol.
start learning
Non bevo alcool.
I don't even know Tom.
start learning
Non lo conosco neanche Tom.
I don't even know you.
start learning
Non ti conosco neanche.
I don't feel so smart.
start learning
Non mi sento così intelligente.
I don't get much mail.
start learning
Non ricevo molta posta.
I don't hate anything.
start learning
Non odio niente.
I don't have a sister.
start learning
Io non ho sorelle.
I don't have a tattoo.
start learning
Non ho un tatuaggio.
I don't have an alibi.
start learning
Non ho un alibi.
I don't have any pens.
start learning
Non ho una penna.
I don't have them yet.
start learning
Non li ho ancora.
I don't have time now.
start learning
Non ho tempo ora.
I don't know anything.
start learning
Non so niente.
I don't know his name.
start learning
Non conosco il suo nome.
I don't like anything.
start learning
Non mi piace niente.
I don't like homework.
start learning
Non mi piacciono i compiti.
I don't like studying.
start learning
Non mi piace studiare.
I don't like this hat.
start learning
Non mi piace questo cappello.
I don't like this one.
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Non mi piace questo.
I don't need a doctor.
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Non ho bisogno di un dottore.
I don't need a new TV.
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Non ho bisogno di una nuova TV.
I don't need you here.
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Non ho bisogno di te qui.
I don't need your job.
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Non ho bisogno del tuo lavoro.
I don't sleep anymore.
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Non dormo più.
I don't speak Catalan.
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Non parlo il catalano.
I don't speak Chinese.
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Non parlo cinese.
I don't speak English.
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Non parlo inglese.
I don't speak Spanish.
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Non parlo spagnolo.
I don't speak Swedish.
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Non parlo lo svedese.
I don't understand it.
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Non lo capisco.
I don't wanna go back.
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Non voglio tornare indietro.
I don't want any more.
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Non ne voglio più.
I dove into the river.
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Mi sono tuffato nel fiume.
I drank tea yesterday.
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Ho bevuto il tè ieri.
I drive a convertible.
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Guido una decappottabile.
I explained it to Tom.
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L'ho spiegato a Tom.
I feel like a new man.
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Mi sento un uomo nuovo.
I feel like an amoeba.
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Mi sento un'ameba.
I feel like going out.
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Ho voglia di uscire.
I feel so happy today.
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Mi sento così felice oggi.
I felt like screaming.
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Avevo voglia di urlare.
I forbid you to smoke.
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Ti proibisco di fumare.
I forgot the password.
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Ho dimenticato la password!
I found out something.
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Ho scoperto qualcosa.
I found out the truth.
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Ho scoperto la verità.
I found the box empty.
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Ho trovato la scatola vuota.
I found the empty box.
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Ho trovato la scatola vuota.
I found the game easy.
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Ho trovato il gioco facile.
I found you, didn't I?
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Ti ho trovato, vero?
I gave Tom a sedative.
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Ho dato un sedativo a Tom.
I gave him my address.
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Gli diedi il mio indirizzo.
I gave it to my mommy.
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L'ho dato alla mia mamma.
I gave my half to Tom.
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Ho dato la mia metà a Tom.
I gave the boy a book.
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Ho dato un libro al ragazzo.
I get anything I want.
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Ottengo qualunque cosa voglio.
I get lonely at times.
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Mi sento solo a volte.
I get on with him well
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M'intendo bene con lui.
I go to bed at eleven.
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Vado a letto alle undici.
I go to school by bus.
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Vado a scuola in autobus.
I got a call from Tom.
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Ho ricevuto una chiamata da Tom.
I got my ears pierced.
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Mi sono fatto bucare le orecchie.
I got out of the taxi.
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Uscii dal taxi.
I got up at about six.
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Mi sono alzato verso le sei.
I guess Tom went home.
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Immagino che Tom sia andato a casa.
I guess you are right.
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Suppongo che abbiate ragione.
I had a right to know.
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Io avevo il diritto di sapere.
I had dinner with Tom.
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Ho cenato con Tom.
I had my ears checked.
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Mi son fatta controllare le orecchie.
I had my eyes checked.
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Mi son fatto controllare gli occhi.
I had my room cleaned.
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Ho fatto pulire la mia camera.
I had my watch stolen.
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Mi hanno rubato l'orologio.
I had no other choice.
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Non avevo altre scelte.
I had nothing to hide.
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Non avevo niente da nascondere.
I had nowhere to hide.
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Non avevo nessun posto in cui nascondermi.
I had pizza for lunch.
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Ho mangiato della pizza per pranzo.
I had to do something.
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Dovevo fare qualcosa.
I had to get up early.
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Sono dovuto alzarmi presto.
I had to go to Boston.
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Dovevo andare a Boston.
I hate precooked food.
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Odio il cibo precotto.
I have a bad headache.
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Ho un brutto mal di testa.
I have a broken ankle.
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Ho una caviglia rotta.
I have a bus to catch.
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Ho un autobus da prendere.
I have a few theories.
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Ho qualche teoria.
I have a half brother.
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Ho un fratellastro.
I have a headache now.
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Ho il mal di testa ora.
I have a large family.
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Ho una grande famiglia.
I have a little money.
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Ho un po' di soldi.
I have a lot of books.
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Ho molti libri.
I have a lot of ideas.
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Ho molte idee.
I have a lot to learn.
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Ho molto da imparare.
I have a slight fever.
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Ho una leggera febbre.
I have a tourist visa.
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Ho un visto turistico.
I have an appointment.
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Ho un appuntamento.
I have another sister.
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Ho un'altra sorella.
I have borrowed a car.
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Ho preso in prestito una macchina.
I have class tomorrow.
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Ho lezione domani.
I have done it before.
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L'ho fatto prima.
I have got a new bike.
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Ho una bicicletta nuova.
I have got a question.
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Io ho una domanda.
I have just come here.
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Sono appena arrivato qui.
I have life insurance.
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Ho un'assicurazione sulla vita.
I have lost my pencil.
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Ho perso la mia matita.
I have lost my wallet.
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Ho perso il mio portafoglio.
I have met him before.
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L'ho già incontrato.
I have my own reasons.
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Ho le mie proprie ragioni.
I have no money today.
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Non ho soldi oggi.
I have no self-esteem.
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Non ho autostima.
I have nothing to say.
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Non ho niente da dire.
I have other business.
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Ho altre attività.
I have terrible pains.
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Ho dei dolori terribili.
I have to cook dinner.
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Devo cucinare la cena.
I have to go shopping.
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Devo andare a far compere.
I have to go to sleep.
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Devo andare a dormire.
I have wonderful news.
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Ho delle notizie magnifiche.
I haven't decided yet.
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Non ho ancora deciso.
I heard Tom screaming.
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Ho sentito Tom urlare.
I heard the door open.
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Ho sentito la porta aprirsi.
I heard you were sick.
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Ho sentito dire che eri ammalato.
I hid under the table.
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Mi sono nascosto sotto il tavolo.
I hired someone today.
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Ho assunto qualcuno oggi.
I hope you don't mind.
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Spero che non ti dispiaccia.
I hope you understand.
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Spero tu capisca.
I hope you'll join me.
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Spero che ti unirai a me.
I hope you'll like it.
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Spero che ti piacerà.
I just don't know why.
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Semplicemente non so il perché.
I just don't like Tom.
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Semplicemente non mi piace Tom.
I just got your email.
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Ho appena ricevuto la tua e-mail.
I just saw an opossum.
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Ho appena visto un opossum.
I just spoke with Tom.
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Ho appena parlato con Tom.
I knew I wasn't crazy.
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Lo sapevo che non ero pazzo.
I knew Tom was guilty.
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Lo sapevo che Tom era colpevole.
I knew it was serious.
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Lo sapevo che era serio.
I knew what Tom meant.
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Sapevo cosa intendeva Tom.
I knew you'd be happy.
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Lo sapevo che saresti stato felice.
I know I deserve this.
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So che me lo merito.
I know Tom has a pool.
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So che Tom ha una piscina.
I know Tom is worried.
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So che Tom è preoccupato.
I know Tom personally.
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Conosco personalmente Tom.
I know Tom quite well.
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Io conosco Tom abbastanza bene.
I know Tom will agree.
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So che Tom sarà d'accordo.
I know about you guys.
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So di voi ragazzi.
I know how Tom thinks.
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So come pensa Tom.
I know how old Tom is.
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So quanti anni ha Tom.
I know how this works.
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So come funziona questo.
I know how to survive.
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So come sopravvivere.
I know it was serious.
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Lo so che era serio.
I know it well enough.
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Lo so sufficientemente bene.
I know that Tom knows.
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So che Tom sa.
I know what I'm doing.
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So cosa sto facendo.
I know what Tom wants.
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So cosa vuole Tom.
I know what we can do.
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So cosa possiamo fare.
I know where he lives.
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So dove abita.
I know where they are.
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So dove sono.
I know where to start.
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So da dove partire.
I know where you live.
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So dove vivi.
I know where you were.
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So dov'eri.
I know you are clever.
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So che sei intelligente.
I know you don't care.
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So che non ti importa.
I know you understand.
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Lo so che capisci.
I know you're worried.
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Lo so che sei preoccupato.
I learned it by heart.
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L'ho imparato a memoria.
I learned it from him.
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L'ho saputo da lui.
I lent him a magazine.
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Gli ho prestato una rivista.
I like Sachiko better.
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Mi piace di più Sachiko.
I like Tom's attitude.
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Mi piace l'atteggiamento di Tom.
I like being with Tom.
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Mi piace stare con Tom.
I like boys like that.
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Mi piacciono i ragazzi del genere.
I like cats very much.
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Mi piacciono molto i gatti.
I like dogs very much.
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Mi piacciono molto i cani.
I like how Tom thinks.
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Mi piace come ragiona Tom.
I like playing sports.
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Mi piace fare degli sport.
I like playing tennis.
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Mi piace giocare a tennis.
I like talking to you.
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Mi piace parlare con te.
I like the color blue.
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Mi piace il colore blu.
I like this love song.
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Mi piace questa canzone d'amore.
I like to be prepared.
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Mi piace essere preparato.
I like to be thorough.
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Mi piace essere meticoloso.
I like to play sports.
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Mi piace praticare sport.
I live in Boston, too.
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Anche io vivo a Boston.
I live in the country.
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Abito in campagna.
I live near the levee.
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Vivo vicino all'argine.
I lost a lot of blood.
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Ho perso molto sangue.
I lost another chance.
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Ho perso un'altra occasione.
I lost my inspiration.
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Ho perso l'ispirazione.
I love playing Chopin.
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Amo suonare Chopin.
I met Ken at the park.
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Ho incontrato Ken al parco.
I met her an hour ago.
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L'ho incontrata un'ora fa.
I met her by accident.
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L'ho incontrata per caso.
I met your girlfriend.
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Ho incontrato la tua ragazza.
I must be leaving now.
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Devo partire ora.
I must finish my work.
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Devo finire il mio lavoro.
I must help my mother.
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Io devo aiutare mia madre.
I must hurry to class.
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Devo sbrigarmi per andare a lezione.
I must know the truth.
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Devo sapere la verità.
I must learn Japanese.
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Devo imparare il giapponese.
I need a bit of sugar.
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Ho bisogno di un po' di zucchero.
I need a lot of books.
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Ho bisogno di molti libri.
I need a new computer.
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Ho bisogno di un nuovo computer.
I need a place to sit.
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Ho bisogno di un posto in cui sedermi.
I need an interpreter.
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Ho bisogno di un interprete.
I need to borrow this.
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Ho bisogno di prendere in prestito questo.
I need to go to sleep.
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Devo andare a dormire.
I need to make a copy.
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Devo fare una copia.
I need to see Tom now.
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Devo vedere Tom ora.
I need to talk to Tom.
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Devo parlare con Tom.
I need to talk to him.
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Devo parlare con lui.
I need to talk to you.
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Ti devo parlare.
I need you in my life.
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Ho bisogno di te nella mia vita.
I need you to do this.
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Ho bisogno che tu faccia questo.
I need your help, Tom.
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Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto, Tom.
I never heard him lie.
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Non l'ho mai sentito mentire.
I never liked biology.
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Non mi è mai piaciuta la biologia.
I never read the book.
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Non ho mai letto il libro.
I never said anything.
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Non ho mai detto niente.
I never went to sleep.
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Non sono mai andato a dormire.
I often make mistakes.
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Faccio spesso degli errori.
I only have ten books.
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Ho solo dieci libri.
I only use cane sugar.
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Uso solo lo zucchero di canna.
I only work part-time.
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Lavoro solo part-time.
I owe her 100,000 yen.
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Le devo 100.000 yen.
I owe you a breakfast.
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Ti devo una colazione.
I pigged out on pizza.
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Mi sono abbuffato di pizza.
I plan on being early.
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Ho intenzione di essere in anticipo.
I postponed the event.
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Ho rimandato l'evento.
I prefer cats to dogs.
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Preferisco i gatti ai cani.
I prefer fish to meat.
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Preferisco il pesce alla carne.
I prefer this version.
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Preferisco questa versione.
I ran a race with him.
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Ho fatto una corsa con lui.
I ran away in a hurry.
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Sono scappata via di fretta.
I really do want that.
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Lo voglio veramente.
I really like seafood.
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Mi piace davvero il pesce.
I really love my work.
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Il mio lavoro mi piace davvero.
I really need a drink.
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Ho veramente bisogno di un drink.
I really want to know.
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Lo voglio davvero sapere.
I recognized his face.
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Ho riconosciuto il suo volto.
I remember that place.
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Mi ricordo di quel posto.
I remember this music.
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La ricordo questa musica.
I remember this story.
start learning
Ricordo questa storia.
I said take your time.
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Ho detto di prenderti il tuo tempo.
I saw no other choice.
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Non ho visto nessun'altra scelta.
I saw you in my dream.
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Ti ho visto nel mio sogno.
I say it all the time.
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Lo dico tutte le volte.
I see Dana and Corina.
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Vedo Dana e Corina.
I sell a new umbrella.
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Vendo un nuovo ombrello.
I shave every morning.
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Mi rado ogni mattina.
I should be at school.
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Dovrei essere a scuola.
I should do something.
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Dovrei fare qualcosa.
I should do that, too.
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Anche io dovrei farlo.
I shouldn't even care.
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Non dovremme neanche importarmi.
I shouldn't have lied.
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Non avrei dovuto mentire.
I spoke to my parents.
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Ho parlato con i miei genitori.
I stayed home all day.
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Sono rimasto a casa tutto il giorno.
I stayed home to rest.
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Rimasi a casa per riposarmi.
I still don't like it.
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Continua a non piacermi.
I stole this from Tom.
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L'ho rubato da Tom.
I talked on the phone.
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Ho parlato al telefono.
I tell Tom everything.
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Dico tutto a Tom.
I think I'm in danger.
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Penso di essere in pericolo.
I think Mary likes me.
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Penso di piacere a Mary.
I think Tom is asleep.
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Penso che Tom sia addormentato.
I think Tom is flabby.
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Penso che Tom sia grasso.
I think Tom is greedy.
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Penso che Tom sia ingordo.
I think Tom is heroic.
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Penso che Tom sia eroico.
I think Tom is honest.
start learning
Penso che Tom sia onesto.
I think Tom is insane.
start learning
Penso che Tom sia malato di mente.
I think Tom is normal.
start learning
Penso che Tom sia normale.
I think Tom is skinny.
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Penso che Tom sia magro.
I think Tom is sneaky.
start learning
Penso che Tom sia furtivo.
I think Tom is strong.
start learning
Penso che Tom sia forte.
I think Tom is stupid.
start learning
Penso che Tom sia stupido.
I think Tom is unfair.
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Penso che Tom sia fazioso.
I think Tom is unkind.
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Penso che Tom sia scortese.
I think Tom is untidy.
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Penso che Tom sia sciatto.
I think Tom knows why.
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Penso che Tom sappia il perché.
I think Tom likes you.
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Penso che tu piaccia a Tom.
I think Tom said that.
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Penso che Tom l'abbia detto.
I think he won't come.
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Penso che non verrà.
I think it might work.
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Penso che potrebbe funzionare.
I think it's possible.
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Penso che sia possibile.
I think you need help.
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Penso che tu abbia bisogno di aiuto.
I thought I heard you.
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Pensavo di averti sentito.
I thought I was alone.
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Pensavo di essere da solo.
I thought I was happy.
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Pensavo di essere felice.
I thought he was here.
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Pensavo che fosse qui.
I thought he was sick.
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Pensavo che fosse malato.
I thought it was good.
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Pensavo che fosse buono.
I thought it was true.
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Credevo fosse vero.
I thought you'd agree.
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Pensavo che tu fossi d'accordo.
I told Tom I was busy.
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Ho detto a Tom che ero occupato.
I told Tom I was fine.
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Ho detto a Tom che stavo bene.
I told Tom about Mary.
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Ho detto a Tom di Mary.
I told him what to do.
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Gli ho detto cosa fare.
I took the first step.
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Ho fatto il primo passo.
I understand that now.
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Lo capisco ora.
I used to be like you.
start learning
Ero come te.

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